Prepare the wallets and F5 keys, we are officially on the Soon timeline…
not going to sell out :-p
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Tickets yes, hotels are another story…
Thankfully I seem to have acquired a group that I can hotel with if it becomes an issue. But I don’t know that I want to rely on them.
Ok, so plan is… get tickets, reserve hotel, and if in Australia come magfest time, cry.
Damnit, I’m going to be away for a week. Better not be that soon.
There is a very short but logical answer that I can not say until the thing is announced sadly it is a legit reason.
Survey for anyone who wants to see any new MAGMerch
I didn’t go to MAGFest this year to save money. I regretted it soooooooooo much.
Not making that mistake again.
In terms of Magfest merch, I’d really like a magfest baseball cap. Preferably a good quality one, not a trucker cap. I would wear that fairly often, switching between that and my NY Giants cap.
Interesting hotel policy, was there really a problem with people booking rooms “just in case”?
You be surprised how much people wanted to go nuclear with putting the full amount down. In reality it’s just a supply and demand issue and people not knowing about how that works. Personally I think it’s overkill but should calm down people who think the process is unfair.
[quote=“GeorgePatches, post:14, topic:819, full:true”]
Interesting hotel policy, was there really a problem with people booking rooms “just in case”?
[/quote]I’ve done that at a huge percentage of the cons we attend. Can’t risk not having a room.
I just got a room at the adjacent Res Inn. No money down but a credit card on file. Standard operating procedure, this isn’t a big deal.
[quote=“Naoza, post:17, topic:819, full:true”]
I just got a room at the adjacent Res Inn. No money down but a credit card on file. Standard operating procedure, this isn’t a big deal.
[/quote]Just looked at that myself, it’s pricey. What was the rate at the Gaylord last year?
I don’t know what the gaylord costs, I’ve never stayed there. This place is almost ~$380 a night. And it’s definitely costly but that’s the price of doing business. I’m not commuting to magfest so I pay ~1200 to attend the con. Now just comes seeing how many friends I can split this between.
cough there are other local hotels that are much better and MUCH cheaper.
Walking distance? I did the math on the walking distance hotels a few years ago. Seemed not to be a significant difference. Need I do it again?
Most of them were booked solid even before the dates were public, unless you want one king bed for no more than two people. Or, they’re not within walking distance.