
Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik.

From the same reporter:

Richards told numerous media outlets, including The Ringer, that his presence was a last-minute decision: The intended host had fallen through, he said, leaving him just days to prepare. “I was never meant to be a part of that process,” he later told Broadcasting + Cable.

But two sources close to Jeopardy! tell The Ringer that that’s not an accurate depiction of how Richards came to host. Instead, a planned host had a minor conflict during one of the show’s upcoming tape days. Jeopardy! staff and crew told the host that they could work around it—only for Richards to step in and insist on hosting himself, according to the sources, one of whom described feeling surprised that Richards characterized his presence onstage as an emergency substitution.

Wild. If that’s true, what a coup!

If they had just did what Trebek wanted (choose a black woman) or gone with LeVar Burton like everyone wanted, I may have continued to care about Jeopardy! I was getting slightly interested with the hosting drama. Now it’s in the trash. Goodbye.

The only good Jeopardy! left is any home version, digital or physical.

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Mike Richards comes off as a real piece of work in this. I wonder what the chances are Sony changes their mind.

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Chances were good, apparently.


Considering he’s still a producer, they still didn’t care enough.

First female host coming to the show.

Even though she has a PhD in neuroscience she believes in a lot of woo-woo natural health crap and promotes anti-vax ideas. So even in getting a non-white guy to host the show they still managed to fuck it up. Jeopardy is done. Alex Trebek was great and the show was an American institution with him as host but they have managed to shit the bed and it is over, IMO.

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I watched Levar’s run. I am a huge fan of the guy, but they were not among the stronger episodes.

It would be good to see him get an honest shot. It’s not like he doesn’t have experience hosting a TV show…

The bad guy is completely out of the picture now. Also lost his job at Wheel of Fortune as well. Too bad the bad host is still in the picture. Granted, the Wheel of Fortune host Sajak has had his job probably longer than I’ve been alive, and he’s a piece of shit, too.

Is this all a trick to preserve the status quo? Instead of moving in a good direction, make a huge move backwards first. Then slowly move in the right direction until people are satisfied. End up worse than where you started, but trick people into being ok with it since you were moving in the right direction last they checked.

Story Deets and Quotes for the news Scott shared.

If they are hoping to use Ken Jennings as a more regular host, there’s probably going to be another huge round of the “dredge up the off-colour jokes from the last 10 years” game. I’m a fan of Jennings on his podcast, but while his image is a clean-cut Mormon dad, his sense of humor is waaay close to the edge on way too many occasions.

Actually I read a story that the show ruled him out as an option precisely because of those things. If only they had taken the same consideration when choosing these other people.

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Okay. It’s weird, because what came out about Mike Richards was way worse than anything I’ve heard Jennings accused of, so if they were trying to avoid trouble with Ken, I’m not sure why they went with someone named in harassment suites.

If TV executives acted rationally, Disney afternoon would still be on the air.


The original issue of this came up previously for Ken so he just wasn’t even in the running because of these tweets already being public knowledge.

The same Matt who has been busted for plagarism pretty frequently, is notoriously bad at research, for saying some plenty of sketchy, borderline bigoted shit, got a pretty stern talking to from lawyers for ripping off the Among Us IP for merch and trying to convince his audience it was okay because he’s “Expert” when it comes to copyright and then followed it up with pretending he had no idea it wasn’t okay? That Mattpat?

Yeah, Nah.