
Jeopardy GOAT starts tonight.
Ken Jennings, James Holzhauer, and Brad Rutter in a first-to-3 tournament.

Ken you may remember from his record win streak. Brad has the highest winnings total ever. Jaime smashed the single-day record last year, and his average total across 30 something wins was almost equal to the old single-day record.

Watch it!


I have precisely one thing to say about Jeopardy. The words to the song are :musical_score: “… Tip me over and pour me out”:musical_note:

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The tournament was awesome. The last game in particular. The strategy from all 3 guys was nothing less than you’d expect from the best trio ever.

Probably the best game of Jeopardy ever played?

Hello(.jpg), James.

Today I learned (ahem) about Learned League, an online trivia league. Ok, what’s so cool about that? Two words baby, relegation and promotion.

On top of that, it’s head-to-head, and there’s a metagame where you predict which questions your opponent is going to get right. You can see everyone’s answers going back in time in the database.

Oh yeah, and it’s Hard. See some of the questions here.

It’s invite-only. And every member can only invite 1 person per season. And if you invite bad people, you can get kicked, Rubin’s Tree style.

Washington Post wrote about it (6 years ago!) and the guy who started it here:

This sounds very Relevant To My Interests. If anyone has an invite to spare…

I wouldn’t be a bad person that got kicked, but I would not help any team unless the trivia happened to be directly in my wheelhouse.

It’s single player, head to head. You win or lose all by yourself.

Me - last place.

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In the vein of trivia games, does anyone here watch Only Connect? I love trying to solve the puzzles along with the contestants but by and large I feel like an idiot. And then one or two questions come along like a lightning bolt and suddenly I feel smart again!

Merry Christmas, everyone. I’m not crying you’re crying

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Ken is hosting (some). Not a surprise.

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I’m honestly glad. Ken is one of the few truly unproblematic favs, as far as I can tell.

(Cue someone linking some shitty tweets of his in 5… 4… 3…)

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I heard a podcast interview with him a few weeks ago, just before Alex passed. He was asked about his time on Jeopardy! and if he would have any interest in hosting. He said that he is very much done with competition, he isn’t “in shape” for that any more. Also, he has no desire to host, there are other things he wants to focus on in his life. People say things and then the situation changes, sure, but I believe he was serious that he doesn’t intend to permanently replace Alex.

It was a wholesome interview:

Interesting. He said the same thing years before JGOAT, and, well.

I know Levar Burton has publicly expressed interest in hosting in the past.

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Ken Jennings…

I hope one day someone has to go back more than five years to find something I wrote on the internet that’s objectionable.

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Dr. Oz? Ugh…

Yeah, hard to think of a worse pick.

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