It's Handegg Season

Of course, but the NFL union isn’t strong enough to make that happen. The unfair competition is something the owners will actually care about fixing, especially if it means hurting New England.

Good timing.

No, not fining and stripping draft picks for that videotaping scandal. The other videotaping scandal.

Let’s goooo!

However, let’s also not go even closer to the world where international megacorps hold all political power, democracy dies, and the real world looks even more exactly like a cyberpunk novel.


Mahomes with one of the biggest contracts ever.

A sign of things to come?

Ivy League cancels its football season.

Will this lead to the NCAA cancelling or suspending its football season? What about the NFL?

“Review” isn’t “change”, but this is also the team with the owner who said “write this down: never” a few years ago.


“We’ll never change the name,” Washington owner Dan Snyder told USA Today in 2013 of the “Redskins." “It’s that simple. NEVER — you can use caps.”

Guess you really can call a billionaire’s manager.

FYI Bobby T. Hart plays right tackle for Cincinnati.

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This tweet hit hard.

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This team is a blessing, but at a price of sanity.

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People complain about East coast bias in sports media. Well, there’s a reason. This is where the sports viewing audience is.

And there’s more bad National TV games where that came from.

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The Washington Footballs still don’t have a team name.

The NFL in general, and riverboat Ron in particular have such a hardon for the armed forces they should name the team “The Washington Military.” (Support the troops!)

That’ll be $13 million, Snyder. I accept checks.

Why not “The Washington Generals”?

Snerk Snerk Snerk.

Maybe the “Monuments”?

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Superb Owl is today.