I'm Saddened... (Board Games)

So an update to our least favorite vendor

From a couple of weeks to early 2019, any suggestions on how I can keep track of this outside of a Facebook thread, I really want to make sure they put their money where their mouth is.


Anyone know anything about this game?

You can’t tell from the box? :smirk:


It’s a boring game.

Got what I think are two good Reiner Knizia games for Christmas. Keltis and Taj Mahal. :slightly_smiling_face: Plus Kingdomino.

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I played Stephenson’s Rocket once two years ago. Found it an awkward take on Through the Desert’s camels with an oddly discordant stock/set collection aspect. I was just discovering Chicago Express, 18xx, and Martin Wallace-style trains/cubes at the time, and this is none of those.

It’s still well-regarded (not to the level of Through the Desert) and probably a matter of personal taste.

in fact here you go (Feb '17): Recent Board Gaming - #28 by pence

So I spend a lot of time on /r/tabletopgamedesign, because people put out some clever and creative things.

Today, some guy put out this interesting tool called Flexicat. It’s a deck of 108 cards designed in such a way as to be compatible with a very large number of card-based games. The design involved shitloads of computation to get all the necessary combinations.

Looks interesting. At the very least, I think it’s an interesting exercise in component design, and a study in examining the mechanics of various card games and their relationship to card elements.

It’s not ready for prime time yet, but I think I’ma grab it when it gets out there.

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Someone needs to skin this into the Deck of Dragons from the Malazan series…

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We should just play Through the Desert.

I could bring it to South.

Wasn’t there some other game that was newer better Tron?

I have a heckadeck which is similar but without the explicit design toward emulating existing decks and games.

I seem to have signed myself up for a sealed deck KeyForge tournament on Sunday. Given that I’ve never played it before and barely know what it is, I think it’s time for a Training Montage!


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Hopefully it’s more compelling for you than it was for me. I could see the glaring holes and nondecisions and just couldn’t find much to enjoy about it.

I guess I’ll find out, eh?

I figure the structure of the tournament (sealed deck + adaptive + Swiss pairing) will make for a good time even if I rub up against those flaws, so it ought to be worthwhile.

I’ll play it at South and other PAXes. I bet I’ll get a year or so of casual play at cons out of it before I bail.

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I’m bringing my deck, and I think I have a few left unopened. It’s fun when you’re just bustng your pokemon out against the other guys pokemon. It’s novel but not deep. Good enough time.

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Until further notice I’m still in for all the Galaxies.

The one coming up next is RftG Arc 3 Expansion 2. More Xeno Invasion.

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Been playing a lot of 2-player race lately. A lot different than 3+ players.

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I’ll Race for your Galaxy at PAX.

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