General Tabletop RPG Thread

I’m undead. I’m probably too powerful for you to Turn. Oh, and I can just fucking cast fireball because why not?

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I was more afraid of level drain than I was of death. Death meant I started a new character with similar level/power (to keep things moving). Level drain? -fart-

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Pretty much everything I ever want to be. A badass skeleton with some :ok_hand::ok_hand: armor. Fuckin’ sweet sword and shield. Also a very powerful wizard. Bonus cape.


So no longer Old Man Scott but Dark Lich Scott?



Not in my group. You started from level 1. I don’t think anyone ever made it past 3. We always looked at the Expert book from BECMI like the imaginary endgame nobody gets to.

Dunno if he ever becomes a wizard but he does get a flamethrower.

We were doing 2nd Edition AD&D, and I’d just sort of stopped playing the old Cyclopedia games.

Start the new character one level below the current lowest. That was the most fun option.

My first exposure to D&D was finding the Rules Cyclopedia in the town library.

My first exposure was finding an old box set of rules in one of my church’s rummage sales.

First long campaign was turning to the two guys sitting beside me in Western Civ class and offering to run since neither of them wanted to. Still not sure how from that start I’ve ended up being one of the regular GM’s in my group. Dan’s probably got more overall games, but right now it’s basically just he and I trading off.

In case anyone is interested, we are up to episode 4 of our two-person D&D podcast.

Luke and Juliane Play D&D #004 – That Doesn’t Sound Like My Brother
Lorallyn, Crutlin and Shafire are paid in magical items to travel through a magical realm.

Overall it’s going really well. Juliane is always surprised how much the game affects her emotionally and intellectually. I think she’s just starting to understand why I play PUBG.


So on my recent travels overseas I did one thing relevant to this tread. I cover to covered Dungeon World (okay so I skimmed some of the monsters, but I read all of them in one section) Today I hope, is my pitch of the game and hopefully character creation and session 1. We shall see.

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My first experience with an RPG was D&D Adventurers League about one month ago. My second experience was Pathfinder a week ago at a local convention. In both sessions I played with strangers who were adept. I saw very little role playing - mainly mechanics, calculations, stats pile on, etc., but I can see the potential for skilled players to have a lot of fun with those systems.

Imagine a newb (me) running a game for my muggle friends with no RPG experience. Which of these would offer the smoothest intro to the genre: Dread, Mouse Guard RPG, or Tales from the Loop? I chose these based on theme.

I hope to warm my pals up to the idea of playing RPGs with something handy. I want them to feel confident in the system with minimal effort up front. Is there another game better suited for babies first RPG?

Dread is absolutely the game you would take guys with little to no RPG experience through. Everyone understands Jenga. Also mechanically people will get legit spooked when the tower gets fucked up and they know one of them is about to die which makes it easy to ratchet up the tension.

The best game to start with is whatever you’re excited about.

Mouse Guard’s theme is great, but I wouldn’t start as a beginner GM there. Although it has great advice for running Mouse Guard, its rules ask for the GM and players to engage in a particular strict and formal way. Read it, see if you like it, but maybe start GMing with something else.

Dread is a great start if you and the players want a one-shot horror game.

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I met a cousin yesterday for the first time in decades, and it turns out he works for Wizards of the Coast, mostly marketing Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons. Which was fun to find out and chat about.

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I’d play this game.

Any good tips with pitching games to conventions? I always worry about scaring people off with too much detail or making the conflict intimidating.

The Gift - Burning Wheel
Long live the newly crowned dwarven prince! With the ascension of their new leader everyone wants to know how the dwarves will change their relationship with the rest of the world, none more so than the nation of elves who have sent a diplomatic mission to reopen long dormant relations. Is it a trap? Can there be peace? Will there be blood?

Choose your side and play to find out!

Inheritance: A Viking Funeral - Semi-freeform
Join us at the Viking Village where two families will come together to pay their respects to grandfather who has passed on to the halls of Valhalla. Come to terms with death, forgiveness, religion and law and stake a claim for your inheritance.