GeekNights Tuesday - Baba is You

I don’t know if there even was another Ubercon after you stopped going. You rode it to the bitter, smelly end.

The web site at least indicates they went until 2012. I only went to it like, twice, and I was living in Beacon at the time. By 2012 I had been living in NYC for 3 years already.

Speaking solely on a “neglect of hygne” axis, to loop back around to Rym’s point about clothes, it’s been my experience (don’t ask) that the main offender is usually underwear, followed by shirts. Some people, for whatever reason, ride that shit to the bitter, slightly salty end.

Theory: Not washing clothes is partially born out of lax parenting where the offender was never taught to do laundry, and is then too lazy to learn once mom stops doing it for them.

I went at least one additional time. Possibly twice?

I remember driving there on my own from Fishkill.

Yeah, you went one year before we went.

Pretty sure that was the first time I encountered Burning Wheel via Luke Crane.

My deepest condolences. While UberCon is no longer, I can assure you that the other NJ gaming cons are also still awful.

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I feel people who argue for the side of people with BO, also are known to have BO.

I have smells, and I know the smells my body makes. I do what I can to make sure that smell doesn’t get out there or try to do things to prevent the smell or cover up.

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Thing is, this isn’t an issue of “a little sweaty” or “deodorant wore off at the end of the day” or “farted badly a few times.”

There’s a reason this issue comes up so often in gaming but not in, say, public transit. It’s the smell of chronically awful hygene. It’s fecal. It’s vile. The only times I smell that smell are:

  1. At gaming/anime conventions
  2. Hobo car on a subway

The latter is pretty rare compared to the former… =(

I’ve actually noticed a lot fewer smelly hobo cars lately. I wonder why.

It’s spring. They move to the parks in the spring. Circle of life.

I mean in the winter there were less.

Not in my experience…

The subway to the ski bus has a high percentage of hobo cars. ~6am is the witching hour in the winter. If I take the train that early in the spring/summer, it’s not the case.

Of course, the answer to that problem is universal empathetic and fully-funded social services. Vote Democrat.

But the people who roll into the Warhammer area of a gaming con and smell like the person who’s in dire straights sleeping on the subway are inexcusable.

This is only an anecdote but it’s relevant. A Warhammer store opened in a popular part of where I live and I stopped in and they gave me a free little mini and invited me back to paint it, which I did and the gentleman who helped me and the other people in the place couldn’t have been nicer. I likely won’t take up the hobby but I can see the appeal.

The people I met those days all did not have body odor problems while I was there.

That said I do understand, certain sections of cons are the place to be if you wanna smell awful BO smell.

Level Is Edit

Baba is You just broke my brain again.



I have to get back to that game, but SCOTT IS BLOODSTAINED.

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I’m going to wait a few months and check back after the patches.

heavily thinking about buying the PC version of bloodstained as it is still 10% off on GOG and Steam currently. Just have to sorta justify it to myself/the wife as I also wanna pick up Soul Calibur VI too.