Fuck the Police

That instinctual reaction though to cover up his badge…

If anyone hasn’t heard it yet check out the reply all podcast on the NYPD computer system.

#127 The Crime Machine 1
#128 The Crime Machine 2

It’s about some New York City cops in a fight against their own police department. They say it’s under the control of a broken computer system that punishes cops who refuse to engage in racist, corrupt policing.


Meanwhile, in a country that’s not America…


It’s closed until 2022. Let’s hope a Biden presidency can change that.


There’s background to this. I’m tired so the short version is this lady maintains a site that gives accurate day by day covid numbers for Florida. The Gov didn’t like that hence the above gestapo-ing. The justification for the cops’ visit was serving a warrant to take all her computers as part of an investigation on whether or not she “hacked the health system”


And she supposes they’re really engaged in a witch hunt, rooting out any FL State Employees that might have made contact with her. 100% obedience to the Executive Branch, or you’re a traitor.

Proud of you Portland

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NYPD is deploying those creepy Boston Dynamics robots.

Can’t wait until one gets obliterated by a taxi and causes gridlock for hours

So uhh… That robot cheap? Or do maybe the police have too much money?

For a robot of the Spot series capabilities? Hard to say since there’s not much else out there like it, but relatively so, about 75k.

Honestly that’s about an order of magnitude lower than I expected, and yet my point holds. Like you could have 1 new teacher for a year, (all costs, including healthcare) or that robot…

When a right-winger says something awful, gross, illegal, or threatening it is “just a joke”. When a progressive suggests something about society is broken and that we should consider ways to fix it they are a communist, devil, and/or treasonous.

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