Fuck the Police

Ha! Cops are canceled.


It was pure laziness anyway. Reality tv only came about because of the writer’s strike.

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This shit is so systemic they beat ONE OF THEIR OWN and were trying to not get in trouble.


Per legal I cannot endorse destruction of property, but this reeks for the person doing that themselves to generate outrage.

Yeah, I’m with you on that one. A fire in someone’s driveway in the middle of the night is not a subtle thing.


This seems relevant.


CW - A cop shoots another cop. Very blurry, you can’t see much, but you can hear it.


It’s disturbing how ingrained the propaganda is that he literally shot his colleague and without hesitation states “Jacob was shot”


Burning one Confederate flag is vandalism.

Using all the Confederate flags on a block to make a bonfire in the middle of the road is a statement.

It seems I need to bring this back up.

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This is like when the NYPD cop made a fool of himself failing to ride a confiscated motorbike. They confiscate fireworks and then have fun with them on their own. They confiscate guns, but shoot people with their own guns. They give out tickets for speeding and illegal parking, but speed and park wherever they please. Not just cops, but the same thing we see people in positions of power and authority doing everywhere. Make and enforce rules, but believe those rules don’t apply to themselves.


This is fucking war. The police have effectively declared war on the black population and their allies. They’re using psyop tactics to disorient and bewilder black neighborhoods to raise tension and give themselves a reason to go in guns blazing. Whether we like it or not war has been thrust upon us.

We are always, correctly, pointing out all these situations where cops do bad things they should not be doing. Don’t stop doing that. But let us also bring to light all these situations where the cops are NOT doing the few things they are actually supposed to be doing.

We talk about defunding the police because they have been given too many jobs that should not be theirs. Tthere are some jobs that most people believe should be the responsibility of armed law enforcement. You know, like rescuing kidnapped children from a violent and armed sex traffickers.

This is why when I talk about defunding police I mean 100% defunding them. $0 budget. Tear it all down. Not only should they no longer be doing much of the work that has been incorrectly assigned to them, but they suck ass at the work they should actually be doing. They can’t rescue kidnapped children any better than neighbors can. Hell, they won’t even lift a finger to help someone recover a stole bicycle. If they won’t do what they are supposed to do, then fire all their asses and find someone else who will.