
I’ve always known these as Asian pears, but it looks like there are a lot of names for the same fruit. They’re not a hybrid, they’re their own thing and are delicious. I harvested a box from an abandoned orchard a couple years ago and ate them all fall.

They are called nashi 梨, and the names listed on that page are varieties, probably cultivars. Pretty much every fruit has them, and they define specific traits and genetic lineages. That kind of thing is important when you’re growing the fruit plant (fedco is my fave US shop for plants), less so when you’re just buying the fruit.

The ones listed on the page you linked are:
豊水 housui – meaning abundant water
新高 niitaka (mistranslated “shinkou”) – new height?
新水 shinsui – new water
二十世紀 nijisseiki – Twentieth Century
新世紀 shinseiki – new century
良い梨?yoinashi – good nashi, I’m guessing, lol simple.

Here is a website that describes most of these varieties, with more detail on click through.

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Since shifting my diet away from keto, I have re-incorporated fruit and



Fuck. They’re so good.

That’s it that’s the whole tweet post.

Gonna make some fig salami when I get in my 5 lbs of dried figs.


Figs and dried cherries are my go to for dried fruit, especially when eating them with nuts or charcuterie & cheese.

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Fig update: I have discovered that it is possible to eat too many figs in one sitting. My hubris has been noted and challenged, and I am humbled before the fig.


That’s a rough way to fig-ure it out.