
Happens with local/home grown stuff for me, since big industrial ag usually uses really flavorless varieties.

I never even considered growing a celery. I realized I don’t even know what a celery plant looks like when growing. Time for some Googling.

EDIT: It’s literally just a celery with the bottom stuck in the ground.


What you describe is something I have never experienced. Celery has zero numbing effect (or really any effect). It just tastes like celery.


I’m surprised as googling seems to indicate this is not an isolated phenomenon.

Emily gets a burning/numbing sensation on her lips and tongue when she eats raw onions or onion-adjacent plants.

I’d bet the thing all of you are describing for different foods is some sort of oral allergy/sensitivity.

Could be something like broccoli or grapefruit where people taste different bits. Could also be related to the plant variety and where it was grown. Different soil content, temperatures, and other conditions can cause food to taste very different.

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I have a friend who was allergic to fresh apples but not cooked apples. It turned out the allergy wasn’t with apples, but pollen that adhered to the skin of the apples. The same thing can happen for celery.

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I have a mild strawberry allergy that causes tingling, and if I eat enough a rash.

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Is that friend me? Because that is the exact Oral Allergy Syndrome I have. Birch pollen on apple skins fucks me up.

Apparently I have two such friends.


Never experienced this either. It definitely sounds like an allergy to me.

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Can you eat a nectarine with the skin on?

My figs are coming in! Here’s a shot of the full bush. Some of you surely remember what this means. It means every day once a day I’m going out and grabbing all the ripe ones I can find, refrigerating them until I have enough to make a sizable amount of fig salami.

I got out a bit late for the grapes though. Most of them ended up on the ground.

Bonus zucchini!

(In retrospect perhaps this was better served by the planting things thread)


Are there fig wasps?

Presumably dissolved in the figs I ate…

But like, do you see them around?

Honestly insect wise most of what I see is like pollen wanting bees and ground fruit wanting flies. I’m not sure if I did see any that I’d be able to identify them

Wait… Your zucchini is growing on your grapevine?

Same scaffolding, they sort of grew into each other a bit. Zucchini doesn’t seam to mind. Though it’d be way cooler if I could say I was growing grape zucchini hybrids

On my way home today I made a special trip to pick up the things I didn’t have for fig salami, not much because the recipe is so simple.

Pull the figs out of my fridge where I’ve been keeping them as I pick them over the last few days. Pull up the recipe aaaaaaand… wait what? DRIED figs? This doesn’t work with fresh figs?!

Ok then how hard could drying be? My ex did it all the time, she had a thing though, like a dehydrator… Ok jesus christ this takes days, I could leave em in the sun or hang them on a line or pop em in an oven…

Ok then at this point I’m determined:

They don’t all fit though… Screw this these are for me.