Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


No that’s a different game.

Tried the Dangerzone mode, and yup, I still really really really fucking hate Counterstrike just as much as I did in 2000, 2008, and 2012. It’s even worse as battle royale. And just in case anyone wants to say I was just bad I placed in top three in all three games I played. It feels horrible to play. Movement feels like you’re skating on an oil slick. No lean, no vaulting obstacles, no iron sights, you’re forced to wear a dumb orange suit so you can’t hide outside, and of course my favorite, getting headshot with a fucking pistol from a billion miles away because hItSCaN. Fuck Counterstrike.

Counter-Strike is 20 years old.



A geezer is me.

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If I picked a day in the next 1-2 weeks, wanna get everyone here who has ever played CS together and get a custom game going?

I’m sure we are all awful!


Will we have 10 people?

If we can get 10 people in a US-time-zone evening, we must make this happen.

We can always play the Demolition mode. Faster paced, smaller maps, only one bomb site, if we have fewer than 10.

I don’t play often, so that mode is my go-to when I do. I particularly like the Bank map

I would be up for some CSGO. I bought it years ago but I’m sure I can download it again with a few minutes notice.

15 characters of down to clown

I would play the hell out of CSGO with you guys. I’m old and bad at it compared to 1.6, and do not have the maps known, but would be hella fun.

Is there an appropriate discord to lurk in whenever this happens?

There’s a bunch of new maps, so none of us knows what’s going on any more.

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We need some bad weather so I will actually organize this. It’s been too nice, so I’ve been outside :wink:

Aw man I can’t get enough of the ESL finals. Streaming now:

CSGO is as old today as CSS was on the day CSGO was released.


This is fascinating. I’m going to try it.

Ok, so I tried out the Playmaster thing. I’m honestly impressed. I completed only the baseline test to assess my current skill level, and didn’t do any additional training or challenges. The results are fascinating. Sadly, there is no easy way to export and share the data, so I have to use screenshots. One thing I’m curious about is that they seem to have data for over 11,000 players. Have that many people already installed this and taken the baseline test, or did they get data from elsewhere? Maybe it’s true because their servers are taking a beating right now.

Anyway, here are my results.


Despite being worse than the community average and worse than pro level players, I’m still in the top 87% of players overall? I don’t understand how this data makes sense.

The only test at which I did better than an average community member is the flick test, and only slightly so. I failed miserably at the jumping test. More on that later. Pro level players are obviously ridiculous.

In the tracking test you are supposed to stand still and keep your crosshair on a moving target. No shooting involved. I was slightly below average at this. I was also never able to track the target when it jumped.

The aiming test is pretty straightforward. According to this data I actually had a very high hit rate? Like, above pro level? There must be some mistake. The problem is I am horribly slow. In the time it takes me to take my first shot, even if it is a very accurate shot, the community player is already hitting me with bullets, and the pro has already killed me. My time to shoot is 1.16 seconds and the pro time to frag is 1.06 seconds.

Aaaand, I can’t access the data anymore because their servers are down. To be continued.


They presented this weirdly. Top 87% is the 13th percentile, which is what you’re probably thinking of. And radar graphs… What was wrong with a bar chart? Not exactly the kind of considered presentation I would hope to see.