Climate Change

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The really neat part is it pretty much boils down to just conservation of angular momentum and gravity. Something so elementary writ large.

Plant more trees

Don’t cut down old trees

Plant more trees

Protect all trees

Stop burning coal, at least use nuclear. But really any renewable energy technology

Mostly these things. It’s not that difficult. At least it shouldn’t be.

One of the things I brought up last time I spoke with my dad on this topic, came up as a result of me trying to pit his like toxic masculinity against his climate change denial/if it is real it’ll be solved by the market-ness.

All the non destructive forms of energy are more expensive than burning fossil fuels, fundamentally because, for one reason or another they take more work. Either they need more infrastructure built or land acquired or science to get done, ways we build to change, etc etc. Tough problems to solve.

In a nut shell they’re the hard option, keep burning coal or whatev is the easy option.

Fundamentally we, humanity, are folks who take the easy way out, do it quick and wrong.

Honestly closest he’s ever come to coming around to taking action on these things.

Extremely unusual weather Barking ‘tornado’: Houses damaged after severe storm strikes east London.
Barking ‘tornado’: Houses damaged after storm strikes east London


EDIT: Also

“The nerdy ecologist part of me is excited to see what will happen in the coming years,” said Harley. “But most of the rest of me is kind of depressed by it. A lot of species are not going to be able to keep up with the pace of change. Ecosystems are going to change in ways that are really difficult to predict. We don’t know where the tipping points are.”

We are so fucked.

The Independent: Germany-Belgium floods – live: 90 dead and 1,300 missing in ‘catastrophe’, with more rain forecast in Europe.

Resource for checking flood elevations

Man when I read that headline I thought “Damn it, what’s happening to the Time Line now?!?!”

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