Climate Change

Some juggler friends of mine in Turkey had their entire home and training studio burnt down. :confused:


That’s fucking awful.


Running out of time

Let’s use this thread instead of war on cars for once.

I think even if climate change were a thing, war on cars is still valid.

They take up too much space, cause deaths and even if they were electric, still contribute to poor air quality.

On climate change though, the manufacturing and transportation of cars is reason enough to regulate the sale of cars.

Info on said chemicals.

2022 is going to have % less trees globally compared to the beginning of 2021.

In other words, the global capacity to capture carbon out of the atmosphere has been reduced, whilst our production of CO2 is still increasing.

This is a sure way to go extinct.

I’m mad that everyone everywhere isn’t in enough of a panic.

I’m not saying that people should be losing their minds. There aren’t nearly enough people that are vocal about this. And people who are treating this as an emergency are being largely ignored. The aggregate level of concern is disproportionately low compared to the scale of the problem.

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Video included in Tweet.

Gkatzelis estimated that averaged nationwide, 50-80% of pollution-forming urban VOCs are associated with volatile chemical products.

It seems nuts that sunblock could hold a candle to car pollution. NOAA is pretty good at their job though.

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