Civilization VII

New Trailer ahead of the showcase at Gamescon

Full presentation

Navigable RIVERS!

They took the Ages idea from Humankind & Millennia and adapted it (3 for the whole game instead of 6 or so from Humankind).

I think the leader trait(s) staying with you the whole game is interesting and each civ being age restricted lets them focus on balance for that age.

I like how its still the diorama art style, but the color grading and lighting is a bit more naturalistic. I think the new landscapes look great (honestly the best thing about Humankind was the landscape art direction).

I was going to wait for the first expansion. But this time, I think I’m going all-in day-one.

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Deciding if I wanna splurge for the Clock haha

I’m waiting to see the difference between the deluxe and founders editions.

They have an explanation over on the 2k site:

Deluxe Edition includes:

    Full base game
    Early Access - play the game early on February 6, 2025
    Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack
    Crossroads of the World Collection, with post-launch content featuring 2 new leaders, 4 new civilizations, 4 new wonders, a special cosmetic bonus, and more!
    Deluxe Content Pack, which includes:
        2 leader personas
        4 profile customizations
        1 alternate scout skin
Founders Edition includes:

    Full base game
    Early Access - play the game up to 5 days early on February 6, 2025
    Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack
    Crossroads of the World Collection, with post-launch content featuring 2 new leaders, 4 new civilizations, 4 new wonders, a special cosmetic bonus, and more
    Right to Rule Collection, with post-launch content featuring 2 new leaders, 4 new civilizations, 4 new wonders, a special cosmetic bonus, and more!*
    Deluxe Content Pack, which includes:
        2 leader personas
        4 profile customizations
        1 alternate scout skin
    Founders Content Pack, which includes:
        2 leader personas
        4 profile customizations
        1 fog of war tile set
        1 Founders palace skin

Ok, so it’s just a matter of pre-purchasing DLCs. That’s acceptable as long as it ends up being equal to or cheaper than waiting to buy the DLCs individually.

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I never played Civ 6 as I got deep into the Amplitude 4X games (Endless Legends and Endless Space 2) instead. After being somewhat disappointed with Amplitude’s take on the historical 4X game, Humankind, I’m tentatively excited about this, although I’m probably more excited about the possibility of an Endless Legends 2 or Endless Space 3.

I’m willing and eager to dive back into Civ with 7, but I refuse to pre-order any game any more, regardless of pre-order incentives. Too many games are released early and the early adopters end up beta-testing bug fixes and balancing issues.

This is absolutely what will happen. I do not expect Civ VII to be a complete game until an expansion or two. That’s how Civ IV, V, and VI all went down. There’s no reason to assume it will be any different this time.

But there are pros and cons to getting in early and getting in late.

Waiting means saving money. There will inevitably be a bundle that packages the game with lots of expansions for a significant discount. It also means avoiding suffering with bugs and other imbalanced nonsense, as you say.

The downside to getting in late is that it means jumping in the deep end. As they expand the game, it gets more complex over time. It’s hard enough to learn as it is. Starting with the base game, and then mastering each new expansion feature one at a time is a much nicer learning curve than getting hit with everything at once. It’s even more true for players that don’t have as much Civ experience.

The other downside is that even though the first year or few of the game will be buggy and incomplete, it’s still a game. Fun times will be had in those years. Waiting means missing out.

In the end, I just follow my policy. I buy a game if I’m going to actually play it. That’s what really matters. If I’m going to actually play the game, an get entertainment from it, then I can justify buying it. If my friends and I are going to play early Civ VII, then spending more money on it is fine. It’s better to spend $130 on a game that actually gets played than spending $10 on some GOTY edition that sits in my steam library and never even gets installed.

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