Beer Beer!

I’ll be getting it, if it comes to PC. I’ve always had a thing for odd simulation games.

Looks a bit to me like it’s based, at least partially, on Cooking Simulator, though in somewhat of a surprise, it’s not being published by PlayWay, who are the biggest publisher in the Odd Sim market.

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TL;DW: Cheap manufacturers are cutting corners during the annealing process and that results in shitty glass.

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I’ve always used plastic for this exact reason, and that it’s getting worse only reinforces that decision.

I’ve said it before, and I’m sticking with it. The best thing we can do to eliminate the harms of vice on our society is to ban advertisements for them. No vice taxes. No prohibition or criminalization. Just ban advertisements like we did for cigarettes. It really fucking worked.

Ads that should be banned:
alcohol and all other recreational drugs
prescription medicines
gambling of any kind
fossil fuels, cars, or anything else that isn’t climate friendly enough (beef?)

Ban all those ads, and our society starts to look a lot better really quickly. You don’t even have to ban or limit the actual things. Just ads for them.