New thread for a new world.
Here we are only talking about active work to win this election and beat fascism back in America.
I just donated $500 to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party.
I also just donated $500 to the Michigan Democratic Party.
New thread for a new world.
Here we are only talking about active work to win this election and beat fascism back in America.
I just donated $500 to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party.
I also just donated $500 to the Michigan Democratic Party.
I’m working with my wife to raise awareness in our community of issues like Project 2025. It still surprises me that people don’t know about it even after major news coverage.
Make a specific plan to vote.
I am voting today in early voting. Straight ticket per the Working Families Party guide.
If you live in NY-17, remember that the Working Families candidate is fake and you MUST vote for the Democrat.
For some reason this is the first year I’ve noticed like, almost everyone I know talking about early voting. I must have missed a memo, has it always been this way or is there some rule change or new meta that’s been developed that has everyone going on about the early voting thing for this election in particular?
People are just doing it early because it’s the most important election in American history and everybody is energized and/or angry.
Early voting has been around for quite a few years now. It has spread to more places over time. We always knew it would increase turnout, and it has. But some places just don’t feel comfortable doing things until other places do them first. Just like how some states decriminalizing weed opened the floodgates for the rest.
It’s just that the last presidential election early voting was still just kicking off in some places. This is the first one where it’s more widespread.
This is my first election since I moved to a state that does early voting. City hall is right down the block - just past my local coffee shop that I already go to a few times a week. It took zero extra effort or time to go do it thanks to this very walkable neighborhood - it’s been amazing.
Latest episode kept me company while I waited in line 3 hours for early voting. Had to do it in person, apparently the lines were like this all week. But ballot cast! Thanks y’all
If anyone here lives in a state that uses BallotTrax, please sign up for it. It’s free and notifies you if your ballot was properly delivered or tampered with.
All of my family members are signed up for it. This site is especially helpful for early voting.
Something my dad pointed out to me, our U.S. elections are taking place on the same day as Guy Fawkes Day…
This is after the British Election was held on the 4th of July!
Special Relationship alive and well.
My County does this and its great. We do vote by mail, but drop our ballots off at the Clerk’s drop box and get a text and an email confirming they received it, that the signature was good, and that it’ll be counted. Definitely sign up for it if you can!
I’m curious if more people are voting early this year due to the expectation of violence on election day. My state does vote by mail and they also have drop off boxes, which got lit aflame and has a ton of people on edge, though the fire at the one just north in Washington state did more damage.
I’m not sure, but I wish we had early voting in New Hampshire; at least we have same-day registration.
I said on the show, but I haven’t changed what I have to say.
This may be very early, but I want to start thinking about messaging that we can send to Dem leaders, on the state and federal level, where we have them. What can we ask them to do? What should we request that blue states push to enact in order to firm up what good things we still have?
What I would tell state and local Democratic leaders is that they should look at what we already know Trump plans to do, and assume he’s already done it.
He says he’s going to gut the EPA and NOAA. That means we need to shore up the state level environmental regulations. As we can see with California, these can sometimes become defacto national regulations as companies do not want to have to do something special just for one state, nor do they want to lose business of a large state.
He says he’ll put RFK in charge of NIH and CDC. We need state level health departments to make up the difference, especially with vaccinations.
Shore up our state and local agencies to the extent possible. If the federal agencies crumble, we’ll need them. If they don’t, it still won’t hurt.
Help your citizens survive.
This video is an interesting take for a lot of reasons, politics being just one, but it really appeals to me. He argues that for decades now one of things missing from the top-down Democratic party “leadership” and organizing is lack of socializing and bottom-up ability to participate in the party. Yes, they take donations and volunteers to phone bank and knock doors during a campaign, but due to the lack of the historical social groups’ (unions, elks lodges, etc…) existence and participation by significant percentage of communities the party doesn’t get the message and feedback from its members like it used to. I know that there are activists groups who organize around various topics of interest, but it is a constant struggle for those groups’ messages to be listened to and acknowledged by the top-down leadership.
The reason I say that this is an interesting topic to me even beyond politics, is that missing more community and opportunity for socializing is something I have been hearing from all kinds of researchers and social scientists and historians for more than a decade now. AND it is something I have been feeling personally more and more with each passing year of life. It is pretty common to bemoan the difficulty of making friends once you leave college. And lack of “third spaces” to spend time in that do not require spending money or just making a transaction and then leaving is also a well-discussed issue. How cool would it be to create or just do a soft-takeover of a flailing elks lodge or similar local community clubhouse to hang out, meet people, play games, and organize for community events and social action!
Just saw this comment on a Reddit thread about why Democrats aren’t doing more to stop Trump & Republican’s actions and how people didn’t want to support Harris & Democrats because they didn’t offer them enough of what they wanted:
That’s the whole game, you have to get power to do anything good and stop bad stuff from happening. You get power by winning elections.