What's with all these awful Youtubers being popular?

I’m trying a few different versions of this one. I think you’ll all see different ones for a bit :wink:

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If the above image is the same as the one below, you are seeing the most current version of (I assume) all of these :wink:

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This panel is so old you can still see Manhattan from my livingroom window!

This was the year were were double booked with PAX East and Anime Boston. Instead of bailing on either of them, we did panels at both. And for one slot we couldn’t make work out, we sent Emily with a DVD and they played this in the room.

New thumbnail here since not everyone will see it for… days? Youtube is fairly random on updating them when it comes to old videos suddenly getting a new thumbnail.

There is a file in this one called “weirddavinci.png”

Rym, you know there’s a specific thread for YouTube videos you have made, unless you consider yourself an awful YouTuber.


I’m becoming one. These thumbnails are right on the cliff of being the Worst ones.

I’m trying to decide what two videos I’m going to put “white guy face is SHOCKED” onto and see if it actually drives views with no other action. =P


Okay, but I understood “awful YouTuber” to mean someone who was racist or sexist or problematic. Like the original post in this thread is:

This week Jontron of Game Grumps fame, debated Destiny and said some hilariously racist things such as…

Making appealing YouTube thumbnails is in a totally different classification of awful person (one I think isn’t awful at all and is just making an appealing front cover of a video).

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I found the quote I wanted:



So this is becoming quite a situation:

About a year ago long-time YouTuber JacksFilms started a second channel where he was parodying another YouTuber by name of SSSniperWolf (and my understanding is that the SS is not a nazi thing but a shortening of her previous nickname SexySexySniperWolf). SSSniperWolf does some other content like playing games, but is most well known for “reaction” content, which is to say playing videos of other creators in full without attribution and adding nothing of any value. Unfortunately, that is no reason not to be successful as she has 34 million YouTube Subscribers (what the fuck?!)

JacksFilms, who has been criticizing similar content by other creators before and since, has basically been using the same shtick and of course nobody likes being held up a mirror, SSSniperWolf has been very annoyed with this, and it escaled about two weeks ago now when she showed up at JacksFilms home, posted a video showing his home on her Instagram etc. Of course, nobody was amused about this.

JacksFilms has asked YouTube to demonetize and after a long delay YouTube finally enforced its own policies and did so, but not without both-sidesing the issue in a very mealy-mouthed statement.

Here is a video by LegalEagle analyzing the situation from a legal perspective.


Hbomberguy made a double-feature-length video on a particular flavor of bad YouTubers: Plagiarists.

Edit: And independently now another video about the main subject of Hbombs video has come up from an unlikely source: Music critic Todd in the Shadows.


MatPat just announced his retirement.

Is that just a theory?

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I hope it’s a proven fact, bitch-ass plagarist fuck.

I feel weirdly accomplished in that I had no idea who anyone involved in all these plagiarism scandals was. I don’t think I recognized a single youtube account that’s been mentioned at any point.

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To be fair, MatPat doesn’t have any plagarism scandal around him, he’s just pretty well known to swipe most of the theories for his content from others, and has been since the start of the channel. There’s also been some other stuff - like, for example, swiping IP to make a merch line, ask me about that sometime that isn’t searchable text on the internet - but basically his entire career is built on other people’s work.

If you’re a big time YouTuber/streamer, and I have never heard of you, it’s in your best interest to make sure I never hear of you. Because 99% of the time when I discover these people for the first time, it’s because they’re pieces of shit.

And I feel weirdly disappointed that you are trying to pretend not to know who the Angry Video Game Nerd is.

He’s involved in all this whole plagiarism thing?