Vote for Kamala Harris

Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 Presidential campaign. Heā€™s endorsing Kamala Harris now.

In it to win it.

This completely removes the ā€œitā€™s two old white guysā€ line that a lot of ā€œcentristā€ undecided voters liked to trot out.

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I spent my evening building Warhammer minis while watching baseball, and just I read this Castellonas hits a homerun to deep left field. How does he do it?

Whoever is on the Democratic line. It doesnā€™t matter who the person is. It matters what the policies are.

The Democrats can say he did it for the good of the party and country and contrast that directly with Trump.

Can you ever imagine Trump putting anyone elseā€™s interests above his own?


I think a lot of people a sufficiently convinced Democrats wonā€™t save them.

Too many voices, that would save the democratic party, are ignored.

The supreme court has already paved the way.

Itā€™s revolution or fascism.

Or winning the electoral college in the upcoming election.

Unless the Dems run on a platform of outlawing the GOP I donā€™t see that mattering 20 years from now tbh.

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Iā€™m not going to doom here. The momentum is big and this is a turning point in the election if we keep it going.

The GOP is going to eat itself alive if they lose this one.


Harris has majority support of the delegates. Sheā€™s the candidate and I endorse her fully.

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Not disputing that itā€™s a turning point in the election, but what good does that election do as long as a terrorist organization bent on overthrowing the American government is treated as a major political party? I donā€™t think we can confidently say that a Democratic victory in November means anything for the next four years when the Republicans have already attempted a coup and overturned the rule of law.

EDIT: This easily could sound like a rhetorical question, so I want to clarify that itā€™s not. I sincerely want there to be a good answer to this because I do not want to die, I just donā€™t see much reason to think there is one.

Of course the affluent cis white man isnā€™t gonna doom. You have no reason to. This is a game to you. Itā€™s life and death for a lot of us, though. Iā€™d appreciate it if you at least acknowledged that.


The fact that we would prefer other options is meaningless because they are not available. This restaurant has a menu with two items. If you donā€™t choose one, one will be chosen for you. If you refuse to eat, the chosen item will be force fed to you. There is no escape. By the fault of people long dead, this is the reality we find ourselves in, and that we must accept. Denying reality, well, thatā€™s what the RWNJs are all about, and weā€™re not like them.

If Republicans win the election, yes, it is a doom-like scenario. Down that road is a very high probability of a dark future.

If Democrats win, will we be saved in some magical utopia? Will Republicans be defeated forever? Of course not. This battle has been waged throughout the history of human civilization. We will fight it for our entire lives. And as long as humans exist, it will go on without us.

Despite that, if Democrats win, the future is still less bleak. The possibility of doom is not gone, but it is much less. It is a path down which there is a much greater likelihood of a less doomy future for humanity. Therefore, we we must exercise all of whatever power we have into trying to make that future the one that comes to pass. To do otherwise is to invite the doom we wish to avoid.


You accuse me of denying reality yet offer no empirical evidence for your musings. Until I have evidence that the Dems will do to the Proud Boys what Hoover did to the Panthers, I see no reason to have hope. Your optimism isnā€™t necessarily wrong, but if you want to argue about reality youā€™re going to have to use some.

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Sadly, destroying the Proud Boys, and their ilk, is not one of the options before us. White supremacists, and people like them, have always and will always exist.

But that is irrelevant.

We only have two options.

Option 1 - Immediately give immense political power to people who share the ideology and policy goals of white supremacists and adjacent groups.
Option 2 - Donā€™t do that.

There is no other choice. There is no other future besides those two. As extremely flawed as it may be option 2 is still vastly preferable to option 1. You may not believe option 2 is likely, but that doesnā€™t matter either. We must do everything we can to increase the odds of option 2 and avoid option 1. That means we must support the Democratic party no matter how many flaws we find in them.

The kind of thinking you are engaging in only helps your worst enemies. They are very very happy to see you surrender than to fight back. Choose the path that makes those Proud Boys as unhappy as possible, a not-white woman in the oval office.

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Iā€™m not advocating for not supporting the Democratic party, Iā€™m just saying that the dogged faith in them thatā€™s been present in this thread is unearned. The fact that there have been no executions in the wake of the Insurrection of January 6th has shaken my faith in the system to the point where I donā€™t see option 2 as a real option, and as desperate as I am for somebody to prove me wrong, the arguments against me are faith based. Ironic given how much shit Iā€™ve been given on this Forum for my flirtations with religion.

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As for January 6th and the topic of capital punishment, those are entirely unrelated to the topic at hand. We are talking about how our elections work, and what the results of the next one will mean for the rest of our lives and the future of human society. There are only two possibilities, and one is much better than the other. Any feelings you may have on the current state of our justice system or capital punishment are irrelevant.

As for the Democratic party, itā€™s not about having dogged faith in them, itā€™s about acting like you do.

Given the choice between eating elephant shit and eating McDonaldā€™s Iā€™m going to do everything in my power to make sure Ronald and Grimace emerge victorious. Itā€™s not time to discuss the numerous, and very real, problems with McDonaldā€™s. Doing so only advances the cause of those who would have us eat poop. Thereā€™s no point in acting like a child and refusing to choose because I would much prefer three star Michelin dining. Thatā€™s not one of the choices before us at this time.

Now is the time to put pride aside. Now is the time to put ideological differences aside. Now is the time to put on a yellow clown suit and a red wig. Be willing to do anything within reason to avoid eating shit. Support the Democrats the way Trump supporters support him. Be the energy and passion that can drive momentum and get voters to the polls.

Thatā€™s what itā€™s about. Playing to win the game.

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How the political party currently in the White House is handling a violent insurrection is INCREDIBLY relevant to how the result of the next Presidential election will effect the rest of our lives. It begs questions as to whether or not votes will even matter come January 2025. Even if itā€™s a landslide for Harris, thereā€™s a strong likelihood that the GOP will attempt another coup, and Iā€™d like the Dems to be prepared for that.

Youā€™re the one whoā€™s arguing ideologically. Iā€™ve been doing hardcore Realpolitik this whole time and itā€™s frustrating that youā€™re acting like Iā€™m not.

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I canā€™t deny thatā€™s a possibility. But if the Republicans win, they wonā€™t even have to coup.

Republicans win the election, thatā€™s it. We eat shit no matter what.

Democrats win. Ok, maybe thereā€™s some probability of a coup and some probability it succeeds. Thatā€™s doesnā€™t matter. This is still the only result with any possibility of a good outcome.

Therefore, concerns about another coup attempt are irrelevant at this time. All energy must be focused on winning the election, and nothing else.

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