Unpopular Opinions

That kind of makes sense to me. Redline feels like a movie made for a specific group of people who will love it. We just all happen to be that group of people.

It’s not like I love it, but I hate the Jim Carrey Batman movie less than other people seem to. It’s fun. Same for the Arnold Mr. Freeze one. It’s still way way bad, but at least it’s fun. I’d rather watch those than the newer ones that people are absolutely in love with for some reason. '89 is still best.

Also, many (most?) seem to love Back to the Future up on the same level of Indiana Jones and Star Wars. I like Back to the Future, but it’s definitely a tier or two lower for me than it is for other people.

No way the whole 9 yards qualifies. That’s way too good to be < 50% on RT

Apparently it does:

Also The 13th Warrior should totally count because I saw that movie as a fully-formed adult capable of distinguishing trash from not-trash and I fucking love it.


I think this is a much better metric.

I care more about the RT audience score than the Tomatometer. I imagine that’s what the comic was about. And by that metric, it’s too good to be unpopular.

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Yeah, I wasn’t sure which metric they meant, but Audience would make the most sense.

In which case, Valhalla Rising is probably top on my list of “shit I like that normal humans don’t.”

I also really enjoyed Bug, and apparently I’m in the minority there.

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I like most of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Also, Venom is a fun rom-com.


I liked Valhalla Rising but I totally get why for any normal person it would be a painful experience.

Everything I’ve thought of so far that hasn’t been mentioned either scored at least 50 or was too old. But I’m sure I have a few unpops in there.

Pacific Rim: Uprising

I’m still excited for the netflix anime

The Spy Who Dumped Me was also pretty great and reminds me of the older SNL Movies that were mostly “I bet we can sell you this movie on just this chemistry”. Considering the great chemistry between Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon, they are 100% correct.

On another note, How does Men in Tights have a 40%?!

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That seems quite fitting.

Much like a pair of tights.

Jet Li’s “The One”
14% on Rotten Tomatoes

They really sold the “Super Powered Martial Arts” without being cheesy or using obvious CGI.

The Ending is just the Bad Guy beating up everyone in Dimensional Prison.

Have you watched it recently? I’ve watched some clips, and it hasn’t aged well.

I literally fell asleep during The One in the theatre…

Aha! Someone did the work so I didn’t have to. This can be my unpopular movie too.

Scanning thru the 48% so many titles I’m sure I’ve scrolled past on a streaming service and never clicked on :-p Also so many that are pre-2000

I have maybe 20 from before 2000, some of which I had to keep deleting when getting to the 2 I mentioned above.

Oh no; this raises serious questions about my memory of other Mel Brooks Movies

In other “Down the RT Rabbit Hole” news, I found two interesting sci-fi films in the rotten bin:
Click is a film in the classic sci-fi mold that rings more true as I get older. I really liked it and felt like it was one of Adam Sandler’s few strong dramatic performances.

In Time was a super interesting sci-fi premise with a C- execution. I would probably go to the mat to get this bumped up to a solid 65%.

Blazing Saddles is even better now than it was when it first came out, presumably.