Tuesday - The Games of MAGFest 2024

Tonight on GeekNights, we discuss the extremely good games we played at MAGFest 2024, which itself was possibly the best MAGFest that has ever happened to date. Particularly, the MAGFest Indie Videogame Showcase (MIVS) and a shout-out to Nothing Good Can Come of This. In the news, Palworld surged onto the scene with massive sales and weird controversies, tabletop game bootlegs are becoming a major problem, and anime is mainstream.

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hey! I meant to post this earlier, but one of the Arcade Commons crew alerted me to your podcast and I’m the creator of Butter Dorks, which you mentioned around the 45:00 mark on the show. Was great meeting you at the show–glad you enjoyed it, really appreciate the feedback!

If you want, can check out my games (including Butter Dorks) over at kbones.itch.io

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The popcorn game! Heck yeah!