The Lincoln Project

100% true black voters won us that election.

It’s also true if the “centrists” and the “leftist” start infighting before we even win the freaking senate or get governing. The only people who are going to suffer are the mainline Dem voters, largely POC people. So we should all get that shit together.

Goes back to my point I’m not real sure why we are focused on Lincoln project or really any group that tried to win votes against Trump. We still need to win Georgia. If we don’t win Georgia’s senate seats your swing voter in the senate will be Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murcowski and maybe Pat Toomey that’s not good for anything useful to get out of the senate.

We haven’t won yet.

FYI folks should donate to Fair fight. Stacey Abrams organization.

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See my post in another thread and discuss it in that thread, not this one:

This is happening here in this thread right now. There are a lot of people in here not actually breaking the rules, and who I agree with a lot. However, some of you are exhibiting an attitude and personality that is distasteful in a way that defies my ability to define it. It makes me not want to associate with you even though I nearly fully agree with you.

What I would like to point out is that none of the public political figures in the US who are to the left of the GOP, whether they’re centrists or communists, talk this way. While their positions on the issues vary, sometimes greatly, none of them give off that bad vibe, at least not publicly. If you’re a fan of Biden, Harris, AOC, Stacy Abrams, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie, or whoever. My advice is to try to maybe emulate the language and demeanor of the people you support.

Doing this has many benefits. You will sound like less of an ass. You will communicate your ideas more effectively borrowing techniques from some of the world’s best communicators. You will be supporting them more by spreading their ideas that you agree with in the same way that they spread them, to help unity of message. Also, that’s just what those people you support would want you to do. They don’t want people spreading their message in a nasty way, because it brings them down. If you were door knocking for them with that attitude, you would be fired on day one.

Think of it sort of like you’re a kid playing basketball and you’re trying to copy Michael Jordan’s moves. It’s a good idea. A lot of kids doing just that grew up to play in the NBA.

As for this thread, I’m seeing a lot of what I’m seeing on Twitter, which is confirmation bias.

the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.

Everyone is looking at the data from the election and using it to support their argument that they were right all along. Everyone is using the same real data. Everything I see posted is convincing on its own. But everything is also telling a conflicting story.

I saw some data showing that there were indeed more Republicans who didn’t vote a straight line ticket, and voted for Biden + Republicans. Did Lincoln Project contribute to that? Maybe?

It’s also true what AOC is saying that Democrats who pulled to the left did better than those who tried to get conservatives to convert by remaining centrist.

My take is to obviously not give the Lincoln Project money or attention as there are many other places that are just obviously more worth your time. But also, it’s possible that they did do something positive. Focusing on them and talking about them so much is only going to benefit them. So if you want to hurt them, the best thing to do might be to just get their name out of your mouth and out of your head. Every time you find yourself about to post about how Lincoln Project sucks, instead make a post about how a group like Sunrise Movement kicks ass.


can I suggest fair fight ActBlue

AGAIN.just cause I was impressed with their ability to win Georgia. Stacey Abrams came thru.


Doesn’t matter if there isn’t a senate controlled by Democrats, your swing vote is currently getting two “Centrist” republicans to do anything I.E Mitt Romney, Lisa Murcowski, Susan Collins and Pat Toomey!.

If we win the two senate seats in Georgia, Senate control goes to the Democrats and they can make rules like get rid of the fillbuster and also the swing vote is Manchin… Personally rather be hoping for Manchin, than relying on two Republicans AND manchin. (not that Manchin is going to be a great critical vote but better than the above).

My take is that people need to learn to see these grifts coming. The people criticizing it didn’t make this thread, the critical support was giving it attention.

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That’s true, but I feel like we’ve cleared it up now, yes?


Anyone here pro-Lincoln Project? Beuller?

I’m not anti-Lincoln Project if that’s what your asking. But I wouldn’t tell people to donate to it over other Democratic organizations though.

They have their uses and when needed allies should be exploited. Especially if they come from the other side and are willing to serve on the front line with no requests.

This is also why FUCK TLP

It’s the optics of it. Most people think it’s great, when it’s not. Mainly: WHITE PEOPLE. (that donate the money to them $65M)

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huh I wasn’t following their twitter account till just now so thanks for posting that. Followed.

I didn’t even think of that (I wasn’t following Lincoln project either for that matter :-p)

I don’t get the impression anyone who believes in leftist causes is donating to TLP instead of to real orgs and charities. I don’t think that money is fungible. I don’t think we had or will have an opportunity to direct that money to better places.

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Please do not engage with any remaining posts from this user in this thread.

Fair Fight gets a lot of the attention (for good reason) I think largely because it’s a national organization and also what happened to Abrams was especially egregious.

Some other orgs that I’ve donated to in the past that are a little more niche, and you’d probably need to be regionally local to know about, are:

The New Georgia Project
GA Stand-Up!

They all could use a boost!

"Presently, the Lincoln Project board is made up of four middle-aged white men. That composition doesn't reflect our nation, nor our movement."

Uh huh. Sure, buddy.

"I am resigning my seat on the Lincoln Project board to make room for the appointment of a female board member as the first step to reform and professionalize the Lincoln Project."

They’re trying to normalize this shit. Don’t let them.

Not gonna lie, I do feel like the Lincoln Project has dramatically fallen in influence since even 2019. They had some good ads in 2020 but the bad press overwhelmed it. Center Dems seem to be at the “huh, that’s cool I guess” stage of interest. This is probably good, because we don’t need them anymore.

At this point I’m hoping Romney becomes a major party figure and his political outlook gains traction. He’s a weasel who follows political capital instead of morals, and honestly that’s way better than the GOP’s last 30 years of following neither.

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I am skeptical that Romney’s voice becomes anything of publicly acknowledged point of leadership in the national Republican party. I think of the Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, Lisa Murkowski group, he may articulate the moderate Republican view on issues, but the other members of that group will be the spokesperson as often as not.

The vocal perception of Romney here in Utah is that the hardcore nutjob Republican activists call him a RINO and frequently put up billboards telling him to resign and the avowed Democrats see him as the least-bad Republican that could be representing the state. And many voters who are barely politically informed see him as a calm moderating Senator who won’t do anything too crazy or stupid. I think for himself, he prefers that perception and doesn’t want to take any public action that would deviate too far from that approach to Senating. He is the very definition of a country club Republican. The only way he leads a “return to old timey Republicanism” actively is if there is a critical mass of Republican politicians who coalesce behind him and push him to the microphone.

Oh hey nice to know that Utah feels about him as Senator as Massachusetts felt about him as Governor.

The thing that makes me like Romney is that he’s a weasel. He has no principals that tie him to anything. If he did, he wouldn’t have campaigned against his major success as governor in the 2012 POTUS election. He started a shift in 2020 to follow national political winds again, not internal GOP ones. Of course, his proven Weasel Record makes him better on the RNC than as an actual figurehead.

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