The Decade In Review

Alright, 2010s are over and I want to know your greatest successes and your greatest defeats. I’ll go first. Honestly, given that I started posting here in 2010 or 2011, the long timers already know everything I’ll be posting.


  1. Started giving talks solo at Connecticon et al
  2. Started posting here
  3. Got my first job
  4. Became a girl
    4a. Legally changed my name
    4b. Started HRT
  5. Started playing guitar
    5a. Played my first gig
    5b. Recorded a whole boatload of music


  1. 3x psych hospital stays (only counting units I slept in, not day programs)
  2. Didn’t graduate from Boston Latin
  3. Dropped out of community college
  4. Was briefly not a girl between periods of being a girl
  5. Lost two jobs to anxiety

I’m really proud that I’m still alive at the end of this decade which says something about how shit it was for me.


Kicks Condor (weird indieweb-type blog) collected their things of the decade:

It is long, but there is a lot of great stuff there.