Tech News Round-Up


Video hosting is expensive. Don’t really see a way around that.

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Mobile dominance broke the torrent model for anything other than piracy.

My job uses Vimeo exclusively to host videos meant for wide distribution but still remain in company (Password protected). I’ve always felt it was a great site for that sort of internal business usage and for some Patreon’s I followed in the past to maintain more control over access than an unlisted video gets you. Hopefully they can migrate or Patreon expands inclusion in their own internal video hosting platform.

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Honestly yeah if Patreon moved to hosting their creator’s videos AND if creators ended up having to up some of their sub tiers to offset whatever extra cut Patreon starts taking, I’d imagine most people would just swing the extra dollar or whatever without thinking about it. Esp if it ends up being a more user-friendly and integrated experience for all involved.

TIL this is now a thing.

USB4 v2.0 is now official. Also it is interesting the note in the article about focusing on the performance rather than the official standards version, when it comes to marketing and consumer awareness. USB4 v2.0 is up to 80Gbps (120 Gbps uni-directional) and 240 watts!


Don’t let the title scare you. The EU is taking power away from the Big Tech companies.

I haven’t even got 120Hz yet

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At some point someone would have told them that only 4 people have a monitor that is able to render that right?

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Add one more to my correct prediction scorecard. I called this in at least 2020 if not earlier.

Dear Spotify: Just pay the artists their due.

There isn’t enough money. Spotify Premium would have to cost a fortune, and the price of ads on Spotify would have to raise sharply. Neither the customers nor the advertisers would pay, and revenues would be less, and artists would get less.

The cold hard fact is that the amount of time and effort it takes to produce music costs $X. All that time and effort produces a song and recording that is worth much less than $X. There’s no solution under capitalism no matter how un-evil the corps involved are.