Star Wars: The Disney Era

I’m not disagreeing with you, but using this argument, almost the entirety of Episode VIII is unnecessary and the characters could have been developed in other ways.

I mean of course you can extend that further, and I can extend all the way back to saying that everything outside of A New Hope is unnecessary for that reason.

Although, that’s also an opinion I hold sooooooo.

The core of argument isn’t about eschewing an entire movie, because there is a reason to continue telling stories in new situations - it’s about critiquing the development of a particular story to fix a particular set of its issues.

So also not disagreeing, but generally, if you extend any of my arguments past their express context they break down real fast, because I tend to make extremely context-dependent arguments. :slight_smile:

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I haven’t seen the movie yet, but this is the shit that “I” care about. Which makes me a dumb space wars enthusiast.

Further exploring this concept of the Rebel/Resistance star fighters, A-wings appear first in Empire and reappear in ROTJ skip eps 7 and then show up in Last Jedi and ROTS. Seems they can’t exist in the first movies of two trilogy. If only Lando appeared in Last Jedi… He would follow the same rule haha.

B-wings weren’t much good in dogfights – their pilots complained that they maneuvered like freighters – and were a struggle to maintain.

I know you’re just joking, but the answer is that J. J. Abrams likes A-Wings, B-Wings and Y-Wings and Rian Johnson doesn’t.

Relatively speaking, The Force Awakens contains almost no space battles. As a result, Abrams didn’t have the opportunity to use the ships. Rian Johnson comes in and decides he wants World War II style bombers in Episode VIII. Abrams comes back in Episode IX and brings back the other ships because the plot calls for a large space battle again.

Just one more thing that shows that this trilogy had no cohesive narrative or even which ships were being used.

If Abrams had directed Episode VIII, who knows what would have happened, but if there was a “bombing” scene, he probably would have just used B-Wings and Y-Wings.

If the Resistance had stocked them in Last Jedi, maybe they wouldn’t have been in the situation they found themselves in haha.

Why is the resistance only like 30 people by the end of Last Jedi, and now it’s a thousand ships? How powerful is the First Order anyway? What’s the government situation exactly?

Theory: the New Republic is fine. Mon Mothma is running the galaxy. The old rebellion crew couldn’t handle the transition to peacetime, so they’re still playing Rebel against the last scraps of the Empire. It’s not officially officially sanctioned, but it’s so far beneath the notice of anyone in the real government, Mon Mothma just looks the other way.

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“That is canon. It’s glossed over in the movie. Bloodline and the novelization paints a clearer picture, as do some of the comics. The Republic underwent military downsizing, and the First Order (a recognized govt.) confined itself to its own space. The Resistance operates in FO space.”

Seems like a super BS reason. One would think that each world in the republic would hold a pretty large military. Apparently the Aftermath books explain what happened. .

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Yeah, I gotta say, the thing that’s turned me off seeing ROS in theatres more than anything, is seeing how JJ and Terrio have been scrambling to throw everyone else under the bus and trying to deflect criticism from their poorly-received attempt.

Edit: Oh, and going back to older interviews and things - stuff like how despite their excuses, they clearly filmed a lot more KMT scenes, and then just cut them, because a lot of pre-release interviews make it seem like Kelly has a very different picture of how much she’s actually in the movie, and she also mentions quite a few scenes that you can see the outline of in the film, but just have bits missing, that would line up with sections she talks about filming.

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Aftermath explained that the New Republic demilitarized after Jakku. The notion being that the Galactic Republic only needs enough of a military to discourage Piracy between systems. Which is what the Old Republic had pre-clone war.

In “Rise of Resistance” it was mentioned that the First Order was kidnapping potential Resistance Allies after the Force Awakens.A lot of these people were ex-New Republic politicians and military personnel.

I think they were going for a “France under the Nazis”-atmosphere. Since the First Order were Fascist with very large chip on their shoulder.

Bloodlines did create political factions in the New Republic: You had the Centrists, who profited enough under the Imperial system to want to bring it back, and the Populists who wanted each individual system to have more autonomy.

The thing about Star Wars you could tell interesting stories about Galactic Politics, but JJ didn’t really seem interested in doing that.

The sequel trilogy gave us a lot of cool metaphorical toys to play with, now hopefully someone will do something interesting with them.

sigh Damn it…

The only upside of the Disney Corporate Monopoly is they don’t fuck around when it comes to letting bootleg merch exist. They might let the Punisher shirt slide because that’s more or less the brand, but the baby Yoda merch probably is a bridge too far.

I’d have paid money to see this version of Episode IX:

Havn’t seen episode 9 yet, but the only thing I really want to see from that version is a roided up sith cthulhu monster.

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I guess Disney is making their own EU now.

They have started talking about the Republic’s borders. That idea makes me remember of good old “Firefly”, and I am about that.

They were making their own EU since, Rogue One got announced. Or technically before that, as soon as the old EU got thrown out, as Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels were running at that time and they Extend the Universe of the main series movies.