When I first read the subject line my first thought was that the idea would be to separate the news industries from corporate media.
Alas it’s about increasing the complication of our government structure, trying to get more small d democratic participation into our government. It’s laudable, and something that I think can be done otherwise. There are several studies that show that the things that our government is concerned with has been diverging with what our government is concerned with, so the instinct is a good one.
I honestly think that corporate capture of the government is the larger issue of why/how our current government doesn’t represent the overwhelming opinions of the populous. IIRC those studies do show that corporate interests are attended to, while regular people’s are ignored.
Look to the legislation that is actually really pushed, most seem like they are custom crafted for the corporations.
I too am frustrated by the division of representation in the House. I don’t recall the numbers, but the ballpark is that if we were to maintain the ratio of Represented to Representatives that we had at the start of the republic we’d need a few thousand members of the house. The scale there then raises the question of how the hell do you organize/run such a large body of people. I’m sure it can be done, but debate wouldn’t look the same as it does now. I do think that adjusting this ratio would be a good first step to fixing representation of the common man in the US government.
I do agree that regular people’s interests are not represented currently and that should be fixed. But leaving congress alone and adding on some system to try to balance it out seems a bit hacky to me.
We did change the way that Senators were elected to help mitigate the corruptive effects of having The States put them into power by moving them from whatever weird systems they were using, appointed by Governors and State Legislatures, to being elected by The People of said states.
I bring this up because so long as the House, “The People’s House”, is elected we can expose ourselves to professional politicians and those who are captured by corporate interests. The increased number of representatives would help dilute their influence, but because the reps would be on a smaller scale it would, more than likely, cost less to … let’s be generous and say influence … the representative.
To combat that I think we should more most, if not all, of The House to being chosen by Sortition. If the House is supposed to represent The Will of The People then it makes sense that we should, like Juries, grab a random assortment of Americans, put them through voir dire to make sure we don’t get anyone who is obviously unable to handle two years of being a legislator, and give them the salary that’s being given out now.
There would be such a huge number of representatives, and with a new roster every two years, it would be almost impossible for any corporation to “invest” in any given politician. Granted this means the influence would probably shift more to The Senate as a counter balance. But I feel over all I feel that this would be a more elegant modification to the current system.