Rym is Running the New York Marathon

The funny thing is I didn’t have my watch tracking the run and didn’t actually know my pace at any given point. I just ran.

That’s probably a good thing. If you were aiming for 2:06 and had a watch to show you were failing to keep that pace, you might have pushed too hard and blown up at 36 km or similar.



What is your water bottle holder?

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Honestly I hated it. It was an Amphipod Hydraform Minimalist.

I literally only used it so I could grab water from the tables quickly without stopping and just always have access. On my normal runs I usually wear a hydration reservoir.

But because America is a nation of cowards reservoir bags are banned at all of our major marathons. Explicitly banned because they are a “security risk.” So it was that, an approved “front-mounted water bottle harness” or nothing…


This is insane. Honestly I would never have guessed this was the case but of course it is.