Usually the first thing you think of when you see a band and singer ensemble in the modern sense. The best kind often feels like the drummer is using your head as the drummer while the guitar and bass fill your ears and the lyrics hopefully mean something to you or are meaninglessly lost amongst the music. There are many forms of rock but you know it when you hear it.
The first time I realised I loved this genre was when I borrowed my friends new copy of Rage Agaisnt the Machine’s self tilted first album and I was able to work out what Zach de la Rocha was screaming over one of the most powerful drum and bass teams (Tom Commerford and Brad Wilk) with some wizard named Tom Morello making the craziest songs out of his guitar. I had this crazy point of enlightenment that songs could be as dense as poems. The rap rock band was my gateway to hip hop and rap and strong preference for thoughtful or well crafted lyrics.
While you may be aware of the more commonly played Killing in the Name Of, Bulls on Parade, Guerilla Radio , Sleep Now in the Fire and Testify.
One of the songs that stood out to me as primary school kid was Take the Power Back, something. A song that is more relevant than it should be today. Some of my favourites but lesser known tracks are Down Rodeo and Calm Like a Bomb that are lyrically strong and I related to immediately.
They’re the only artist / group of which I could listen to any work and love.
Surprisingly Sony has released almost their entire library on Youtube.
Google Play Music
Although the songs are best heard lossless.
Post the last good rock song you listened to.
Last one I’ve been listening to is thanks to @Deadname.
I’ve been listening to the Black Pistol Fire catalogue.
The one I enjoyed quite a bit, (as good as the opening track Storm Cussin’) is Bad Blood.
Google Play Music