Raspberry Pi

Hmm. I’ll have to update when off work and see if it fixed mine. Typically, I have to power cycle the Raspberry Pi in order to wake the monitor.

Raspberry Pi in trouble with this competition?


Hard to imagine real trouble; the entry level Pi still costs half as much, and Pi’s are for schools. Us nerds just also happen to like them.

PCIe/NVMe in the house.

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Pretty cool. 70 bucks!


It’s a new board.


That’s so fucking cool. I want one and I don’t even know what I’d do with it yet.

I also want it, but have no use for it whatsoever. I think it would be really cool is if it was inside a high quality mechanical 104 key keyboard, and you had a whole computer lab full of them for the students.

I would get that Keyboard for my dad if it can control a full browser version of YouTube from the couch. That it lacks a touchpad and would require a mouse tho is too bad.

Currently I’m thinking of rigging up a Pi with a bluetooth keyboard/touchpad for that purpose.

Wouldn’t that just be an HTPC? HDMI cable to your lap on the couch sounds awful.

Yeah. I guess I’m also not thinking about the keyboard having a power supply which is annoying.

The current plan tho yeah is Pi as a standard HTPC setup.

I’d honestly probably use it to plug into a TV to either use as a Steam streaming box, or an emulator. Although, then I’d probably want to stick a controller into one of the USB ports and then why not put a Pi4 in a different case and do that?

I don’t know, it’s 70 bucks and it’s fuckin cool so I may just buy it for the fun of it. I mean it’s basically a literal cyberdeck, how the fuck can you pass that up?


That’s a lot of Pi for $10.


Is it not official Raspberry Pi? I feel like the Raspberry Pi Zero trademark would like a word.

(viii) use a name or logo which is so similar to the Raspberry Pi Marks that it may confuse or mislead people into thinking that your business, products or services originate from or are associated with Raspberry Pi;

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Wow, what a tiny pi.

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That’ll run Doom right?

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For those of you who are crazy (or have a homelab) you are going to want to pick this up.

I expected this to be a fake account instead if Raspberry Pi themselves but found the Mastodon account linked on their website. They’re bad at social media.

Yeah, I saw that and honestly thought it was a troll. But, nope, looks like it’s legit Raspberry Pi’s social media account.

It’s…honestly kinda weird.