Randomizer Appreciation Thread





I found out about La-Mulana Randomizer from that Tie Tuesday stream and the person who made La-Mulana popular in the world with his let’s play of the original game (so much so he is thanked in the Remakes credits) Deceased Crab has just started playing the randomizer:


Also my favourite Legend of Zelda game Majora’s Mask has a new randomizer now (done in the same way as the OoT randomizer.):

Randomizer adjacent…

I heard you like squirmy bois.

  • One-hit knockout
  • Non-bosses replaced with mini-moldorms
  • Mini-moldorms move at double speed



Not watching 9 hours of this, but just clicking through that is hilarious. Definitely would not have thought of this challenge myself.


Andy and Fouton do Keysanity Multiworld.

What is Multiworld? They’re playing simultaneously with paired ROMs whose combined item pool was shuffled between both games. Items found might be yours or they might belong to your companion, who receives the item instead of you. Likewise, you might be in the middle of something and receive an item your companion just found.


Andy discussing and demonstrating the changes coming in V31 of the randomizer. Biggest change: variable numbers of crystals required to entire Ganon’s Tower and to Unlock Ganon. There are new signs next to each that tell you the requirements.


I actually tried some ALttP X Super Metroid randomizer. I was under the impression that they randomized the games in such a way that it was difficult or impossible to soft lock. Apparently that is not the case.

I bombed into the room behind Sahasrahla where there were several chests. I got the screw attack! Thanks to the screw attack I was able to go through the wall that you usually use bombs on to get into Brinstar.

Once in Brinstar there were softlocks everywhere due to my lack of ball/bombs. There was a Super Missile under the new bridge that lured me in. But then I was trapped without bomb/ball to escape. I reset the game.

Then I misfiled my way into the tunnel that goes to the Brinstar map station. I heard that map rooms are going to send me back to LttP. Sadly, without bomb or ball, that room is just a trap. Reset number two.

Lastly I went to fight spore spawn. I beat the spore spawn. The chozo statue in the back gave me Link’s quake spell. Sadly, the room after that was a trap I could not escape without super missiles.

After that third one, I just gave up. I really like the concept, but the reality is just a frustrating mess.


Tip Number 1 with that game, whatever you do Hyrule is your friend, make sure you are over loaded there before doing some serious damage in Super Metroid. Depending on how you roll the seed you can also give yourself morph ball which makes the game a lot easier to do.

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I read the FAQ and they actually warn specifically that without ball and bomb you can get locked in many places. I guess I’ll try one more time and only stick to the safest mostly zelda places until I get ball and bomb.

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I tried one more time. I was able to find the ball and avoid softlocks. Thing is, I’ve hit another wall. I think it’s just that I don’t personally remember absolutely 100% of the item locations in both games.

So I went to get a tracker. I got the emotracker, which is very nice. The thing is, I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get it to automatically update. Do they really expect me to manually click on the tracker to tell it what items I’ve got and what locations I’ve checked? I’m expecting this thing to hook into the emulator and automatically track what I’m up to. Thing is, I can’t find a single set of instructions how to set that up.

I think that the auto trackers reads the memory off of the rom on an SDSNES cart and not through the emulator, not 100% sure on that but I recall that when it first launched that it was the case.

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Well, that’s a bit unrealistic.

That’s pretty disappointing. I thought that was the whole point of randomizer. So are the seeds pre-selected by someone else even for e.g. Oats/Goats level runners in GDQs?

I think it’s less of a problem for single-game randomizers. I RTFM’d and it specifically said that because of bomb/ball there’s just not much they can do to prevent a lot of those situations in the crossover randomizer. Softlocks for other reasons are by and large prevented.

I feel like the crossover randomizer is hardmode. It makes a lot of sense to get some experience in each of the individual Zelda and Metroid randomizers first to learn the progression, patterns, and item locations before diving into them together. Metroid in particular can be a huge pain in the ass because a lot of that can be tied to execution of some of the more advanced techniques that are never required in the base game. I tried it and immediately decided to stick to Zelda randomizers exclusively.

The randomizer specifically has a hard and easy modes. In hard mode you may be required to do speedrunner tricks like mock ball. On easy mode the items are positioned such that you never have to do those kinds of tricks.