Oof ouchie back in the deep of the cold season.
Leap Day PAX!
Oh shiiiii. If only years had more than one extra day, and all of them were PAX.
For the [E] make sure you do the thing.
Saturday is sold out.
Four day badges are not.
This confirms a lot of things I’ve been assuming about the nature of PAX attendance for a long time now.
Is your theory that locals only see this as a one day event as all that they do is hang out at expo?
They have announced a partnership with a company called Lyte. They’re basically an authorized scalper designed to destroy all the other scalpers.
You sell them your badges. They verify authenticity and then resell them at a markup. They automatically undercut the prices of other scalpers, though, so there’s no reason for buyers to shop elsewhere.
However, if the badges don’t actually sell out, Lyte is useless. Buyers can buy cheaper tickets from the source. Sellers are just stuck having to sell on their own at or below MSRP because Lyte isn’t going to be able to sell them.
Do th[E] thing.
Schedule is live Schedule | PAX East - Boston, MA - Jun 3 - 6, 2021
So the new, self-contained, buy-a-box-and-be-done-with-it Un-set for Magic comes out the Saturday of East. I’m buying at least one box of it.
I think I found the reason Jamspace got kicked out.
SONY is pulling out of East at the last second because of Coronavirus fears. The space on the Expo Hall map allocated for Playstation is huge. Two giant blocks and one smaller one under the stairs. Gonna be really interesting for all that space to be empty.
Either just move the other booths around to make larger more comfortable aisles or sell me some of that space for a discount rate. Who else can you find to fill it in on a weeks notice?
Weird. This was the second top story on WHDH this afternoon.
I was able to Google and find out that WHDH is the local TV news. But also, why are you watching local TV news?
It was on in the pizza place I was at. I heard “PAX East” and perked up from my phone.
The expo map is updated to remove SONY. They basically just moved the other big booths around and made some wide luxurious aisles.