Open Source News

No good thread for this, so I started one.

Looks like VLC is going to release 4.0 and re-do its user interface. Kind of a big deal.

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If you like open source news I recommend following this channel



This part sounds great.

“ in a historic decision, the court imposed upon Lenovo punitive damages amounting to 20,000 euros for abuse of the appeal procedures. Lenovo forced its customer to take part in a disproportionate and unnecessary legal process.”

I’ve only heard about damages for wasting time in anti-slap suits here, and only because some states have specific laws.

This is in Italy, which explains the difference.


Not boo-urns. Actual boooo.

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Hey, man’s gotta put foot skin on the table somehow.


Drama on the freenode.

It’d be interesting to see a graph of traffic on the network over the years.

I am testing this, so this is not an endorsement right now. But having all the apps into one for video is pretty good.

…But wouldn’t Grayjay be the singular platform?

Part 2 of my grayjay link above.

Seems interesting.

This Rossmann guy just keeps cropping back up. He started strong in the right to repair arena, a topic on which we are mostly on the same side.

But BOY does this guy rub me the wrong way. I blocked him on YouTube long ago. There is just something off about him. It’s not the same as LTT, who is just very annoying with voice and mannerisms. This Rossmann guy has a bad vibe all around. He seems like the kind of person where if you’re unlucky enough to be his neighbor, he’ll be doing weird shit and make your life a living hell.

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