Now that Donald Trump has Won

Most of the video stuff tends to be drawn out and dismissed if it’s happening to a minority, e.g. the police killing black people casually while being recorded.

Aren’t certain populations already living in a horrible dystopias?
Case in point above posts about the woman being sexually assaulted because her President approves of the behaviour, thus validating the action in the mind of the person that assaulted her.

So, I thought I was out of outrage at this whole shitshow.

Then I watched clips of the Betsy DeVos confirmation hearings.

I have now discovered previously unexplored depths of rage.


Timeline of events:

LAST WEEK: Julian Assange, Via Wikileaks, promises to give him up for Extradition(that the US wasn’t really seeking, but anyway) if Obama grants Chelsea Manning “Clemency”

17 hours ago: Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentance

NEK MINNIT: Excuses and furious backpedaling. But still taking credit, of course.

Seriously, does anyone even remotely doubt he’s just hiding out from rape charges now? The US has said they don’t want him, and won’t seek to charge him. It would be legally almost impossible for the US to extradite him from Sweden, and he knows it - he’s been told by multiple legal experts. He may claim he’s hiding out from assassination or a black-bag job, but I sincerely doubt it - because if he was, he’s suicidally lax with his physical security.

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Looks like Trump has found support from the least expected of sources.

Well, guess I won’t be buying those delicious cookies this year.

In a weird way, the rest of the world isn’t surprised by that. In the Scouts, BSA is treated basically like your weird right-wing uncle that you only interact with when you’re pretty much forced to, and while GSoA is far more progressive than BSA, it’s still kept at a bit of an arm’s length from the rest of the members of WAGGGS.

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Now he’s planning to run again in 2020.

Can we please for once NOT have a President last two terms? Please?

We haven’t seen a one-term President since Bush Sr. I think it’s time for a change-up.

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Well, don’t let him start a war. This country doesn’t like to vote out a President when we’re at war. Also… war bad.

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Well, Australia’s racist piece of shit party (One Nation) have wheedled their way to the ingratiation and are now being all sassy to our Prime Minister about it because he wasn’t invited.


Trump now has a moth named after him. I’d say it’s fitting.

[quote=“Heidi, post:154, topic:125”]
Well, Australia’s racist piece of shit party (One Nation) have wheedled their way to the ingratiation and are now being all sassy to our Prime Minister about it because he wasn’t invited.
[/quote]Not going to be in the news today, since it’s unconfirmed - rumors from staffers indicate that Turnbull turned his invitation down, and sent Ambassador Hockey at Hockey’s request. Which wouldn’t come as a surprise, since parliamentary sources also suggest that you should read between the lines of how Turnbull only ever seems to reply to insults against trump by pointing out that US political matters are not within the purview of Australian politicians or Parliaments, but never seems to address the remarks themselves.

At least we got the amusement of watching them brag about being invited, and immediately having it revealed that they actually begged for the tickets.


Really not something I wanted that idiot to be bragging about.

[quote=“sK0pe, post:157, topic:125”]
Really not something I wanted that idiot to be bragging about.
[/quote]And really, I suppose, it doesn’t tickle the surprise meter much that a Politician previously convicted of fraud using her political position would tell stupid lies.

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What did they need to beg for tickets? Scalpers can’t seem to give them away.

Well that escalated quickly…

Of course, the cuts he wants to make will just be a drop in the bucket in overall government spending.

If you look at how government spending breaks down, roughly 1/3 is for Social Security/Medicare, 1/3 is for the military, and 1/3 for everything else. It’s impossible to balance the budget and have a functioning government without increasing revenue and/or cutting social security and/or the military. Of course, increasing revenue (outside of miraculous trickle-down economic growth) is a no-go, as is touching the military. Social Security/Medicare is also a no-go, despite how hard the politicians try to gut it (and in theory, its revenues should be separate from the general tax revenue pool, but in practice it’s not). Hence we see attempts to gut nickle-and-time things that look good to the average conservative but doesn’t do much to balance the budget and makes things worse for the country overall.

The real goal is what the GOP has always been after. Undercut functioning government services until they invariably dysfunction. Then point to that “dysfunction” as proof that government services are bad, and start privatizing.

Never mind the reason it “dysfunctioned” in the first place.

See his ridiculously incompetent appointees, the GOP handling of the USPS, etc…

Remember: Trump isn’t doing anything the GOP doesn’t want. The party is rotten to its core, and its members are evil.


Drop in the bucket? $10T over ten years (their math, not mine) is hardly a drop in the bucket.

Trump is doing everything they want, that’s why they defend him. If Trump really was an outsider, there’d be talk of impeaching from the GOP side. The second they had an angle on Bill Clinton, it was immediately thrown out. The angles are already there for Trump, but they won’t say it. It’s because they do agree with all of his rotten crap. And he’s mostly doing things to make sure the Republicans don’t impeach him. Meanwhile, he’s going to find ways to profit off of all of his properties while he’s in office, and maybe make some executive decisions to help fix his legal issues and debt problems. Overall, their relationship is completely symbiotic.