Netflix Animated Shows

Sonic Prime debuted its final season on Netflix.
I think this is THE BEST Sonic cartoon out of all of them, and yes, the ending sticks the landing.

Scavengers Reign is now on Netflix. I can’t recommend this show enough. It was cancelled by HBO/MAX, but if it finds an audience on Netflix it could be renewed for a second season.

If you like weird sci-fi/horror stuff, check it out:


This has been in our queue for a while! Moving to Netflix just makes it rise higher!

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Netflix’s animation slate for the next year.

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I saw The First Slam Dunk movie last night, now that it’s out on Netflix.

I loved it and it was absolutely amazing. By far, the best looking 3D animation in anime I’ve ever seen. No comparison. The movie is great and visual just stunning.

However, they shouldn’t have called it The First Slam Dunk, they should have called it The Last Slam Dunk. Before watching the movie, I didn’t realize this, but The First Slam Dunk is the conclusion of the anime series, which never finished. The movie takes place right at the end of the manga.

Additionally, the movie doesn’t really do anything to let you know who these characters are, their relationships with each other, or what’s going on. It just drops you right into the final basketball match of the series.

I read and absolutely fell in love with the Slam Dunk manga, back when I was living in Japan in 2004-2007, so it’s been probably close to 20 years since I read it. About 10-15 minutes into the movie, I actually paused it and looked up a summary of the manga online to refresh my memory as to who everyone was.

Why is Sakuragi so bad at basketball yet everyone is shocked when he does something good? The movie doesn’t tell you. Why does Rukawa hate Sakuragi and they never pass to each other? The movie doesn’t tell you. Who even is this team and why are they playing in the final game (maybe?) of a basketball tournament? The movie never tells you.

If you can get over all that, or read a summary somewhere, the movie is absolutely amazing. It’s just a shame that they named it The First Slam Dunk, giving the impression that it’s an origin story, and that the actual Slam Dunk anime isn’t on Netflix, so viewers coming to the movie fresh, will have no idea what’s going on.

It really is amazing though.

Hilda is coming back!


It looks like the complete Slam Dunk anime is now on Netflix.

If you have any interest in The First Slam Dunk movie, I would highly recommend watching the anime series first.

Slam Dunk is an all-time classic.

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Season 2 of Arcane has started!
Three episodes will be released each week for the season.


It’s beautiful.

What I love, in particular, is the form of this show. It’s operatic in a way. Or I suppose more like a musical. Except instead of musical numbers within the confines of the camera (the “stage”) it’s music videos. Often in radically different styles.

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Have been enjoying BEASTARS Final Season. Oh! The drama of it all. So fun.

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The newest Wallace & Gromit movie, Vengeance Most Fowl, is now streaming on Netflix.

It’s a direct sequel to one of their famous episodes, The Wrong Trousers. You can watch it here.

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Two new things to check out: Season 2 of Castlevania: Nocturne on Netflix and the season 5 premiere of Harley Quinn on Max.

Streaming fans be eatin’ good this week!

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And there went a significant chunk of my weekend.

After being locked in the Australia/New Zealand region for over a year, Pantheon season 2 is FINALLY making its debut around the world. Thanks, Netflix!