Clearly inspired by Into the Spider-Verse, but this looks so good that I don’t care at all:
Netflix still mails DVDs. Well, for a couple months anyway.
What about Blu-Rays?
What are they going to do with their huge DVD collection?
Babylon 5 is back!
woooo I have more faith in this than I would yet another weird live action film, or even a reboot/remake of the original series.
I wrote a ton here about all my feelings on B5, but you know what, that doesn’t matter, I’m happy that JMS is doing more with the property, regardless of my own baggage with the franchise.
Really great interview with Christopher Nolan and Cillian Murphy
I didn’t know he was considered (however little) for Bruce Wayne! We could have had MurphMan!
A bunch of Soviet films are on available on youtube:
Andrei Tarkovsky, Sight & Sound top 100: Stalker, Sergei Rublev, and Mirror. Also Solaris by him.
Battleship Potemkin is another top 100 available.
I also see they have Come and See. I’ve never watched it, but it has the reputation of being one of the most NSFL war movies there ever was.
I forgot that the Into the Spider-Verse sequel comes out this week! I’m super excited for that! Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse took me completely by surprise and is one of the best animated and best superhero movies I’ve ever seen. Based on this review, the sequel is just as good, if not better, which is almost impossible to believe:
Wes Anderson(‘s production company) is starting a film club:
10 bucks a month. Maybe I’d sign up for a month if there’s something that looks really interesting?
I actually like this idea a lot, as I think that human curation is one of the only reasonable solutions to the discoverability paradox that we can currently implement easily.
Even if the selection isn’t perfect, I think I’d just be much happier with something like this instead of the kind of services we have now. With the services we have now I end up paying for access to tons of stuff, and only watch a very small portion. And I lose a lot of time and effort deciding what to watch. And how many times do people open the app, browse, and watch nothing?
If there’s a very small selection that was curated, I could just watch everything. Save lots of time and effort.
Sure, I could just find someone online who is suggesting movies and watch all their suggestions for free. But then I still have to put in some effort to get them to watch, even if it’s a free source like the library and piracy.
I would classify this a lot more like a magazine subscription than a service subscription. When you subscribe to a magazine, you get an issue every month, and you read it every month. At least I hope people do that, or cancel the subscription. Some issues have stories that are more hit or miss, but they all get a perusal at least.
This would be more like that. I pay the $10, and I expect to watch every single movie on there.
The thing I worry about most is if they keep picking movies I’ve seen already.
Shoe me this movie!
DreamWorks is teaming up with the studio that produced the Sonic trilogy to produce more video game adaptations.
Yes, please!
Remember when film studios weren’t allowed to own theaters?
Why must we speedrun every broken thing from last century again?
Capitalism failing to self annihilate, forced to regurgitate.