GeekNights Tuesday - Auto Chess

This thread quickly turned into a conversation based on acronyms I don’t know about games I’ve never played with extra terminology I couldn’t even guess at how it applies.

But I’m digging it.

You should try some. I’m happy to teach you. It’s like a board game where everyone has to play fast. Also, it’s free.

There is almost no kind of computer game that appeals to me less than fast paced board games based on arcane knowledge.

But seriously, I’m enjoying the discussion about it.

Eurogamer did a comparative auto-chess writeup.

Relevant TFT text:

"TfT currently has 49 champions split between 13 origins and 10 classes, alongside 44 items that can be found, crafted and bought during the game.

I mention bought due to TfT’s largest addition to the established Auto Battler norm - the draft round. During the draft round, which takes place at the start of the game and on every third round henceforth, players choose from a selection of rotating champions with items pre-attached. These give you a solid foundation to build synergies at the start of each game, as well as provide opportunities to snatch a specific item or champion that you’ve been pining for. This, like the item selection in Dota Underlords, lessens the impact bad RNG has on your game, as one solid draft round can easily turn a struggling player into a dominant one."


I tried out the LoL TFT game.

Even though it looks polished visually in many regards, it just doesn’t make enough of the UI improvements that Underlords and Drodo AutoChess make. It was a huge pain to play. In the drafting round you have to recognize the units by their models in order to pick them. Sometimes I didn’t even notice when it was shop time since it’s just always open at the bottom of the screen. All the info is really subtle, and often hidden or absent. Things were happening quickly, which was fine, but it was hard to notice things happening because they happened quietly. Everything kept surprising me when it happened.

Also, there’s a huge knowledge gap since my knowledge of al the units from original DAC applies to three of the four games, but not TFT. That makes it really hard to get into, so the interface also being a barrier really isn’t helping.

I’m leaning more on Underlords as my go to. I don’t know if it’s the best of the games, but it’s the most polished, most frequently updated, and the mobile aspect really does it for me.

One other thing. I think the RNG in Underlords is the most severe. I’m regularly getting to round 10+ with no 2* units whatsoever.