GeekNights Book Club - GeekNights Book Club: Binti

Tonight on the GeekNights Book Club, we review and discuss Binti. Because it was short and also extremely good, we ended up reading and will be discussing the complete trilogy. Her name is Binti, and she is the first of the Himba people ever to be offered a place at Oomza University, the finest institution of higher learning in the galaxy. But to accept the offer will mean giving up her place in her family to travel between the stars among strangers who do not share her ways or respect her customs.

The first in Nnedi Okorafor's trilogy, it won the Hugo and Nebula awards for Best Novella. You know if there's one thing GeekNights is into, it's space universities.

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Rural kid gets accepted to college, sees the world, and finds out about the Internet. She is objectively better off, and her world has expanded. Meanwhile back home only her dad knows how to use twitter a little.