Furry Fun Fzone!

You might get some ideas from this site popular with people who are just getting into making suits: Matrices.net - Tutorials

It’s a very varied craft and the matrices site is like fursuit construction 101. Even she admits she doesn’t really use the techniques showed on her site anymore. So where’s the most up to date techniques? What do I need to do to ensure a high quality product? If you want to learn to code you can go into incredible depth on niche areas. If I wanna know how to make handpaws beyond simple 2 piece gloves, I have to trawl through shitty youtube videos and livejournal posts with photos hosted on imagebucket that have since expired.

I’m trying to find people who’ll talk to me, look at WIPs, reverse engineer stuff, or just plain figure it out by myself. As I’m designing it, I keep coming up with questions like should there be a seam there or should I move it to the side of the body? How visible will the front zipper be? Can I get away with raglan sleeves? And my proportions are all fucked because I’m a giant yet not fat so most premade patterns don’t fit me right. I’m going to probably go through 3-4 iterations to get it right, and that’s sans hands/feet/head.Thank god for cheap muslin.

TL;DR my local IWW posted furry fetish art thinking it was a cute animal meme. Once this is pointed out they start making lighthearted jokes about it and listing off UwUnions for people with furry-related jobs.


what a time to be alive

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I saw this the other day. How do you know it was an accident? I give 50/50 odds they knew exactly what they were posting.

They said so on Twitter. That could be a lie, but your average IWW member is far less online than any of us.

Ain’t no accident.

It would be more accurate to say “average union member” sadly. The number of times I argue with my Hall over using available tools for better communication is frustrating.

According to their email, Super Art Fight is going to their first furry con later this year.

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Hey, I resemble that remark!

In all seriousness though, it’s very true. The wobblies are moving, slowly towards being younger and more online, but yeah. Like in our little meme signal chat, someone posted a tweet by K&S that I was watching his stream when he tweeted like a week after the fact. The lady who posted it is over 40. Like it’s not the most online bunch but that’s changing.

Worth noting, that’s the twitter of national. This was posted by IWW NA, the organizing branch that oversees relations between the different Regional General Membership Branches.

The unintentional tweet came from the Chicago GMB. tl:dr, different people posted those tweets.

Even better lmao

The room blocks for Anthrocon are now open.


Downplaying the sexual aspects of furry is so 2004 imo.

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No, Four options.

Tired: furry is definitely NOT a sexual thing but some people are into that and I’m going to tie myself into awkward rhetorical knots explaining it to you
Wired: frequent intense twitter arguments about whether pup hoods are appropriate in public spaces at conventions
Inspired: furry is the queerest fandom on the face of the planet by a factor of 1000

I’m actually rather annoyed I couldn’t find a general networking thread or one on NAT specifically. Maybe it’s a thread on old forum that I’m not inclined to go dig up. Because being honest, those are the main reason’s I’m interested here, the fact that they’re a furry is a extra bonus on top.

The whole channel but specifically:

The entire channel consists mostly of pretty short and fairly comprehensive overviews of topics such as AD, Telnet, \n, DHCP, etc. With a few much more in depth ones where there’s a 6 part multi hour super in depth how to where they build a wiki engine from scratch.

Whole thing whips ass.

It’s basically like an episode of geeknights, except it’s only mondays, only the main bit, and only the part where Scott is talking - aka the actual explanation for how the thing works, without forays into wider implications or speculation about the future.

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