Cryptocurrencies and NFTs

Someone pointed out to me they may have found an actual potential for serious, Real World Use for blockchains where they actually provide a unique real world benefit: Exposing luxury brand shenanigans.

So of course for the reasons stated in the article, they won’t actually do it, as the brands themselves stand to benefit from said shenanigans.

Yeah, I called it.

I think, much like “1800 call att”, we all called this one.

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Sure. “Accidentally.”

I find umbrage with calling hackers “mercenaries” and labeling programs as “cyberweapons”. Pretty tired of all our language being militarized.

1 Like is gone. Does this mean we can buy a GPU now?

Yeah, why not. I don’t see a huge price drop coming any time soon. If you need a GPU, you need a GPU.

Those documents suggest that Bitfinex could be in serious financial trouble. The company has been unable to recover $851 million in cash it had entrusted to a little-known Panamanian payment processor called Crypto Capital.
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Aw man, I can’t wait to verify my identity on top of a giant excel spreadsheet that’s known to have kiddie porn and drug transactions on it! Sign me the fuck up.


Remember the cryptocurrency guy who died earlier this year? Well…


If you haven’t heard lately, some people running cryptocurrency schemes are hijacking people’s YT accounts. They rename the channel, delete all the person’s videos, and air some weird 24/7 livestreams.

It started with Pogo last month (he got his channel back), and the hackers are really picking up the pace.

Didn’t we find out that Pogo (the music guy) was an awful person?

Yes, and I haven’t watched his stuff since then. I saw it on a newsbyte one day and remembered, “Oh yeah, that’s the asshole.”

Still, it’s really awful that scummy organizations can just hijack people’s YouTube channels now. That’s some scary shit.

This happened to a youtube channel I subscribe to. Dude makes medieval - renaissance weaponry, but the channel was renamed “Binance English” with a 24 hour live steam. They got it back after a weekend with a bunch of viewers and fellow youtubers flagging it and emailing about it (myself included).