
Cancel Culture might as well be renamed Outrage Culture. Some things are worth the outrage, others not.

If you are not personally outraged, you must decide if you can put up with the outrage that might be directed at you for not expressing enough outrage. How many levels of disconnect must there be before you don’t have to worry about it? In this case, it is approaching four or five levels.

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That is a tough on. I probably won’t stop playing BW but I also will be pretty hesitant to recommend it.

I’m still going to recommend it, but with a caveat: that the designer has since shown his whole ass, but that this specific thing is legitimately good and worth exploring.

It’s hard to argue that Burning Wheel itself is problematic when it’s aggressively about consent, and honestly, the Luke Crane that wrote that system may well be different than the Luke Crane of today. People change, and you can have legitimately had the thread and then lost it at some point down the line.

I mean shit, that’s actually an example of how Beliefs can work, written in the book.

I’m certainly not going to not play BW or Torchbearer, but I’m going to be very forthright about how Today Luke doesn’t match the way I bring his older material to the table.

I may straight up encourage people to pirate it instead of giving him money, though.

I thought of this yesterday.

Burning Wheels number one slogan is “Fight for what you believe!”

Either some of Luke’s beliefs need re-writing, he’s not taking his own advice, or both.

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He wouldn’t be the first dude, particularly ones with money and some level of fame, who talked a real good game, but were absolute shitters behind the scenes because they were able to either compartmentalize or rationalize it.

Coming soon:

John Company Second Edition:

Call the printer quick, get them to change it to John Company Reincorporated.

This Kickstarter is so atrocious that it’s perfect.

Promare, the game?

Maybe we can get a nonwhite nonmale to replace him

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Yeah the article is unclear if Anya has moved into his position (again) or is still in the games dept.

Luke was the VP, like full VP of Kickstarter? Huh, didn’t know that, I thought he was lower down the chain. That actually makes the whole thing worse.

Anyway, good.

He was the VP of Community.

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In the corporate world, a Vice President is the head of a particular domain in the company. Other than a board or a “c-level” position, nobody directs their domain from above and they generally have (relatively) unlimited authority. Their peers are other vice presidents in charge of other areas.

This varies a lot company-by-company of course.

So the VP of “Community” is likely effectively the absolute ruler of the community wing of the company, beholden to the board itself and nobody else.

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Trigger: the game, for sure

Long Shot: The board game was an incredibly fun horse racing and betting game that was never reprinted and now is sadly impossible to find. I’m super excited that they’ve turned it into a roll n write. This looks like so much fun and a perfect filler game.

Gimme some of that horse remorse.

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The Meta of crowdfunding


love me some devin nash content
