
If you have any hand sanitizers made by Eskbiochem, throw it out.

Sorry if Iā€™ve already shared these links. These are the tools that Iā€™ve been using since they were available, to compare whatā€™s been said and whatā€™s been recorded.

The UK government has been criminal at every step, as far as Iā€™m concerned.

And yet Trump says it is going away. After Fauci warned of the spike and the stock market dipped because of rising case.

My roommate tested positive. My test came back negative, but Iā€™m still in full isolation for two weeks since I could theoretically get infected any day.


For fuckā€™s sake, this is so humiliating. Masks were supposed to be the primary way to prevent spread and allow for some semblance of normalcy.

At one point, I thought the anti-mask nonsense was a misguided re-litigation of the damage to civil liberties caused by the War on Terror. People becoming suspicious of experts declaring ā€œDo this thing or youā€™re a bad citizenā€.

Now I see that itā€™s just an extension of anti-vaccination nonsense. Thanks, Plandemic.

As more people are wearing designer face masks, it feels like we are all living in the Mortal Combat Cinematic Universe.

Someone should make a ā€œCoronavirus Mask Wearer or Mortal Combat Characterā€ Quiz or twitter feed or whatever.


More toxic sanitizers identified by the FDA.

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It was always understood that masks protected the people around the mask-wearer, but it would appear they provide a lot of protection to the mask-wearer, as well.

Back in March, there was a whole thing where US citizens were told not to buy masks, yes? I remember reading that and then reading between the lines as ā€œcitizens without medical training should leave the better masks for healthcare workers, and make do with improvised masksā€. Am I crazy, did none of this happen?


Yeah, that was a thing. But what does it have to do with anything now?

Hereā€™s the thing about a public health response.

Outbreaks are extremely literally organic events. The rules change during the thing without warning. It justā€¦happens. Viruses mutate. People fail. Things go sideways.

Biology as a whole is an extremely reactive field. Lots of observation and trying to make it work.

So, the ā€œdonā€™t buy masksā€ advice was sound in March, because it was advice predicated on the rules at the time. Now the rules have changed, so wearing masks is a better intervention than not.

And thatā€™s before a fragile manchild lies to the country heā€™s supposed to lead just to save face.

Shitā€™s fucked, in my professional opinion.


On top of that, there was (and is) a shortage of PPE. So we have to triage what resources get allocated where. I donā€™t think itā€™s a controversial statement that healthcare workers are high-leverage people to give masks, relative to regular citizens.

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Never said it was controversial.

When a shit person shits on a good thing = free advertising

Shitbait the new clickbait?

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Anyone pointing to the changing advice of CDC/WHO/public health organizations about mask usage or what we think we know about Covid-19 and concludes that this is evidence that (medical) science canā€™t be trusted or doesnā€™t know what it is doing is ignorant or deliberately acting in bad faith. Science (a process, not an ideology) says what it knows at any given point in time and as new data is collected and analyzed then adjusts with the new understanding. This is a strength of the scientific process and proof it is functioning as intended, not evidence of ineptitude.


Except a lot of Americans donā€™t actually know this and think that science is the name of a religion/faith. Our educational system is pretty shit nationwide.

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