
Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude. It’s just this thing has me a bit stressed, and in addition to that I woke up today with horrible back pain. Yeah, sounds like an excuse, but it’s unfortunately for me the truth.

I got a little bit of a taste of chronic pain with a toothache a couple months ago. I am sympathetic and don’t blame you.

Welp according to our supervisors we are considered “essential government services” so I won’t be sent home any time soon.

Never in my life have I wanted so badly to be in a nonessential job.

“Go into science and get a job that makes a difference,” I thought in my teens.

Yet again, kids don’t know shit.


I’m sure your work has helped others.

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Oh it absolutely has, I know that for a fact.

It’s just…really inconvenient to be important right this very second. Like, I can just take third-tier emergent situations and leave the Big Shit to bigger dogs? Just a little adventure, to spice up my Shire lifestyle.


A Pete can have a little adventure, as a treat.


I work for a big microchip manufacturer in IT support. I just got word that they are probably temporarily closing down the manufacturing plants in two southeast asian cities due to the virus, which is not good news.

Well, A)Didn’t know that, looks like I’m done with watching anything he makes, and B)Wow, that explains why Anthony Bourdain didn’t like him. (Or, if some accounts are correct, fucking hated him.)


Several times, just during Good Eats, he does Yellowface with a “Ching chong bing bong herro” accent, iirc.

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It’s going to be hard to flatten the curve here in the US when so many Republicans don’t believe that this is a serious threat:

“Just 40% of Republicans now say it is a real threat, down from 72% in February. A majority of Republicans (54%) said they think it has been blown out of proportion, more than double what it was in February (23%).”

Fuck Fox News and fuck Republican politicians for putting people’s lives at risk.


Apparently, while the state has declared my job “essential”

The mailroom is not.

So literally right now we don’t know how to get samples to us.

A+ planning right there.


By pure chance, I never saw those episodes, it was never a consistent thing on TV here to my knowlege, so I simply missed those.

Also, getting back on topic - Housemate is coming back from overseas, fair enough. Had a quarantine plan for that that was perfect for two weeks. Then, turns out her boyfriend is staying in quarantine with her, and bitching about having to work from home(he’s not great with technology), despite being in multiple high risk categories. Okay, new plan. New plan locked down and sorted, then I get the news - my sister has to leave Canada, and naturally is staying at my gaff. Fuck. Time for a new plan that now includes two extra people that I have to take care of, as the only person who is both not in a high-risk category, or under quarantine because they’ve traveled recently, in a somewhat shared space, during a period where it’s really, really hard to get essential household items.

On the upside, I am well supplied with toilet paper - The family embroidery business does a lot of work with industrial suppliers, who we also usually have accounts with for various items. A lot of them A)don’t sell to the public, so still have stock and B)Sell shit tickets by the crate. Ordered two crates today, one for the house, and one for the shop, so we’re sorted.

Sean Hannity is blaming coronavirus on the impeachment hearings. What a fucking tool.

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Well crap, my colleague sitting across from me is the first person in my company to have been tested positive for CoViD-19. This is of course terrible. However, for now it is not expected to be a risk for the rest of the office. The sequence of events was that she attended a funeral in early march then got ill over the weekend and did not return to the office in between the funeral and when we all went to teleworking. Some other attendees of the funeral are also tested positive so the presumption is that the infection spread there and she was not patient-0 of that group.

Hopefully she will have a full recovery.


My post is really ramping down production. Two buildings will be shut down period, one building will have two production lines, and another building will have just one production line. Plus all the extra precautions to sanitize our spaces, and they were talking about a station at the entrance to check people for fever as they were coming in.

I’m not a muslim, but boy, this is eye-opening:


Mecca is empty. Churches are cancelling services. I can imagine synagogues are following suit. In a time where the religious probably most want the comfort And reassurance of their communities and faith they are respecting the authorities’ guidance.

More than can be said for the spring break partiers. Guess those cheap tickets were too alluring.

My congregation actually has their shit together and is live streaming services. I hope there are enough internet competent people in other faiths to understand that it’s an option.