Join us brother!!! We’ve got Moxie! Do you?
I actually found Moxie in Virginia, but it was in a Fresh Market, which is the super fancy expensive chain around here and it cost $2.50 for a 12oz. bottle. I got it to try it and it was excellent!
No Moxie in your area? No problem!
The online store Soda Emporium sells Moxie for $2.29 each.
Talking about drinking Moxie, regardless of your love of it, is one of those quintessential New England things, like the difference between Frappes and Milkshakes, or calling soda “tonic”, or slashing the tires of anyone with a Yankees hat.
Pepsi is superior because of this.
I can officially say that i have tried Moxie, it went down a lot thicker then I would have thought but overall quite good. I wouldn’t get it as a first choice but its a solid one I would not turn down at a party.
I had my second ever Moxie earlier this week—it’s tastes like a variant of root beer.
I can conclude that the Moxie I had twenty years ago had gone bad or something. There was a five-second delay of awful aftertaste.
Cola adjacent but so temping to make.
So the antique ice cream shop and soda parlor I worked at stocked these which were pretty good.
The little Italian grocery next to the place I’m lookin’ to buy had those. I gave 'em a shot. Very coffee.
Yeah, its basically a black coffee with sugar and carbonation. Not the platonic ideal of cola and coffee together that one longs for.
I used to drink that stuff when I worked in Yonkers! It’s weirdly good. Weird, but good.
Ever put creme in it?
Coffee is best appreciated black.
I’ve mellowed in age. I now merely call you wrong, rather than a heretic.
Its okay to be wrong about coffee, you’re an american and its your right to drink milky coffee.
Mia madre e ma memere ne sont pas d’accord
(Naturalized american)
So while picking things up for PAX I decide to grab a bite at a new Peruvian chicken place and they were selling Inca Cola. The bubble gum flavor and smell is no joke but as it hits the later stages it blooms into something really unique and unexpected. Would recommend.
I can confirm that several New Seasons Markets in Portland, OR sell Moxie. It’s probably the only Cola I enjoy.
Moxie isn’t a cola flavor, but it is owned by coca cola so your statement is true in some senses.