Cellular Phones

He was helping people unlock AT&T phones to use on other networks, and that is great.

He was doing it by bribing AT&T employees to unlock the phones in the system. This is good because the phones were truly unlocked. It’s bad, because the employees are the real heros taking the real risk of losing their job and violating policy.

Also, the employees weren’t doing it out of the good of their own heart, they were being bribed. The dude was also taking money from the people who wanted their phones unlocked, and was keeping most of it. They were very profitable bribes for the briber, and not so much the bribeees.

The article I read said they were phones that hadn’t been paid off yet. Ars’s source is the DOJ, so who knows how accurate it is.

I mean this is some real ass cyberpunk shit, he’s making money by fucking a big corp thats fucking regular folks, like the hacker protagonists of every cyberpunk novel film and game ever. Unless he was charging some exorbitant price to unlock your phone it sounds like he was using the money to pay the bribes and make his living besides. No this dude and his group are heroes - again, barring any other nefarious objectives.

This dude is a Shadowrunner.

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For real I am so jazzed to hear about there really being people like that. Though I am still bummed out that the dystopian cyberpunk future doesn’t feature as much black leather, neon, and katanas as I’d been led to believe it would.

I prefer to think of it as the dystopian cyberpunk present.

But the future is now!

brb buying a katana and assless leather chaps


Do it! Hack the corps!

What we need to do is use these skills to fight Global Warming. What we need to do is…

Hack the Planet!

Plugs USB cable into the dirt and types rapidly on a keyboard.

I’m in.

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However, there are a few upgrades in the device compared to Sony’s previous compact phones like the XZ2 Compact.


It’s got a 6.1-inch 2,560 x 1,080 resolution OLED screen…


XZ1 Compact: 129 x 64 x 9.3 mm
XZ2 Compact: 135 x 65 x 12.1 mm
Xperia 5: 158 x 68 x 8.2mm

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Has anyone got any thoughts on modern small phones?

My iPhone SE is death process and most phones these days are bigger without offering much more for my worth. Am I not a customer base worth serving anymore? Thinking of just getting the same but with more memory.

The last good small phone was the Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact. There’s a reason I own a second unopened one, and I plan to switch to it when my current one finally dies. After that…


The hassle of converting to Android for a 2 year old phone seems too much. The XZ2 doesn’t seem much better and Xperia 5 isn’t small.

It’s probably me - too hard to please.

For what it’s worth, you’re not wrong. This is an incredibly undeserved market. I have one of the smallest modern phones the Pixel 3a and it’s still far far far too large. I have no idea why there’s only 2 phones in existance that are small enough for me one is that small iphone and the other Rym linked above.

I’m guessing the reason smallness isn’t prioritized in phone design has something to do with capitalism.

TL;DR you’re not too hard to please, there just isn’t an option available for you right now.

No, you are right in that no one serves the “I have reasonably sized pockets and intend for my phone to be a reasonable size, for there are tablets and laptops to handle other use cases” market. :wink:

I’m in the same kind of boat on the other side. This is the last good Android phone currently, and I’m going to have to either give up or jump ship to the smallest iPhone eventually. I want to avoid that hassle, but I won’t have a choice.

I blame people using phones as their primary computing devices, not having other devices (not even tablets or laptops), and having poor eyesight :wink:

I blame companies. People want what they are made to want.People want SUVs because TV commercials tell them to want SUVs. The demand didn’t exist, it was manufactured. The demand for large phones was manufactured. In the iPod days, Apple manfuactured demand for smaller iPods. They bragged about how small they could make the iPod. Now they brag about how big they can make an iPhone. For wahtever reason, companies like selling bigger phones. Consumer buy the phone they are made to want, no fault lies with them.

Ideally if the fold/flip phone screen tech continues you could have large screen formats in more portable cases.