I just ascended Mount Beacon in 26 minutes, then immediately descended in 11. My legs are burning, and I bruised my ankle climbing. It was fantastic!
So… To somehow make this relevant as a thread, who’s done something particularly awesome lately? Sports, gaming, coding, whatever. Here’s your chance to show off
The last post by GreatTeacherMacRoss December 2016:
Got a great review and observation at school, with my principal giving me some really encouraging and positive feedback. It was so good my mother-in-law almost shed a tear. This is a huge relief and a massive boost to my confidence after a year of being traumatized by Uncommon Schools.
So, I was invited back to Anime Los Angeles as a featured guest again this year and I had a pretty interesting weekend.
The view from my hotel room was awesome. (comped)
I ended up sitting across from Richard Epcar and his wife at the VIP Breakfast and I’ll likely be going over to their house this week to help them troubleshoot their recording studio.
Ran a game of Fact or Crap in the green room for some other VA’s and staff. They enjoyed it immensely so I’ll be running that as a programming item next year.
Filled in last minute for the halftime show at a Burlesque by singing a short set of Sinatra songs.
Had good showings for the final presentations (at that convention) of two of my panels: “The Economics of Animal Crossing” and “Doki Doki Chu: Sound in Anime”.
In the audience of said anime sound design panel was, unbeknownst to me, sound designer Les Claypool. He is legit one of my heroes when it comes to sound design AND HE LIKED MY PANEL. I used a lot of his work in my panel as examples and, apparently, highlighted one of his sound design trademarks. I’ve met legit hollywood stars and have been like “meh, whatevs” but I 100% fan-girled when he introduced himself.
And I met a VERY interesting lady. She’s super smart and cute and, though she lives a ways away, I’m going to make a concerted effort to not lose touch.
I did some CSI zoom and enhance nonsense at work recently.
Digging through a bunch of data trying to track down the name of a person of interest so we can tie everything together I find a video of an iPad.
When the iPad screen is dark you can see a reflection of the person taking the video and they happen to be wearing a name tag.
Mirrored the video, bumped the contrast up and played back at 1/4 speed. Watched until I could read the name on the tag.
Since it was an unusual name I was able to do an index search of the data and figure out the last name, Facebook account, employer, possible address, phone number, etc.
Neither. I be going to semi-rural China. It’s not as connected as either of the places you mentioned, but there’s a train station within walking distance and bullet trains a few towns over. I would have liked to go back to Japan, but I missed hiring season, and I don’t have the publications I need to get into universities over there yet.
Had my first survival game over in Japan. Was shot in the face in the first five seconds, then took a grenade in the arse in the second round. Other than that was an amazing time,met a load of really friendly people and have found a new hobby. The down side is I now have my eye on too much kit for my wallet.
Also have nearly done my first full year over here with a second on the way. Have my N5 exam in the summer, yay I sound like a toddler, and things are mostly not shit. So yeah things are coming up Millhouse.
So, according to an email sitting in my inbox, I’m scheduled for an autograph signing at my next convention.
I am confused. I mean, granted, I’m there as a guest, but that’s because I’m giving them 9 hours of programming. Did I become famous or something without my noticing?