Anime News

According to the thread on /r/anime, he was a crazy train spotter guy who hated that KyoAni somehow “Ruined his view” of trains and plagerized a song he wrote about trains (somehow, givent hat he never published it).

He was also, apparently, at one point chased away by someone, who heard him chanting “Die, die!” as he spread the gas.

The answer seems to be a combination of severe social isolation, mental illness, and a fanatical fandom.

Fans were a mistake.



I don’t know the whole context but people sure are upset in those replies. Is it that raunchy? At work so I can’t listen myself.

Not super raunchy, though there is a bunch of Goku’s voice actor shouting fag and faggots in one of them. I’d advise against throwing it on the speakers at work unless you work somewhere real chill.

I haven’t read the replies, but a friend filled me in - apparently, a bunch of people are mad because the running theory is that they were leaked by some Vic supporters within Funimation, who are convinced he got fired for dirty jokes, and not all the other stuff, because they think all the other stuff is lies. Which does rather colour the leaks a nasty shade, to say the least.

I should have known there was some kind of gomergate style thing to this when one of the tags is #funileaks.

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Ugh I thought were were done with that shit.

GG as a named thing is kind of dead but remember it was basically an initial test run for running alt-right shittery through the geek culture space. Those people are still around and still on the same bullshit train.

Not completely, though - there’s still plenty of movement on the Subreddit(which has long been the defacto home of GG), and just because GG was an alt-right pipeline, doesn’t mean that the pipeline doesn’t flow the other way too. Plenty of Alt-right turds will jump right on any gamergate campaign just as willingly as any of their other stupid bullshit campaigns.

Oh yeah which is why I said “kind of,” you don’t - or at least I don’t - hear that much any more about GG named as such. And that’s kind of my point they all jump around onto whatever shitty “movement” or “issue” that gathers any steam, its all the same kind of folks.

I hope this leads to the streaming rights of Captain Tsubasa. I missed out on it last year, and I am still salty.

Someone made a Trigger title generator and I, for one, am very excited to abuse it:

@VamptVo / Evan Minto made it.


That’s a pretty huge never before in US guest.

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Oh, some friends of mine met her at Smash - outside of the context of getting an autograph, even, just bumped into her, said hi, chatted for a while. She’s very sweet, apparently.

Wow cool! I’d thought US cons had given up on getting big name voice talent. They just aren’t much of a draw for the kids raised on dubs or not interested enough to follow talent, especially before social media like when Kugimiya Rie was big a decade… fifteen… years… ago… fuck I’m old.

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Weathering With You will hit U.S. theaters beginning Jan. 17, 2020.