What book are you reading now/have finished?

I’m reading too many books at once, and it is hard to focus.

The Terror on Audiobook while at work, The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew in paperback at home, and (The Book Club book) Pages of Pain.

Is it the one narrated by Tom Sellwood? Great book, would highly recommend. Also blew my mind that this is the same author who wrote the Hyperion Cantos.

It’s such a shame he turned out to be an absolute prick.

That’s the one, yes.

Yeah, I’m not reading anything published after The Terror.

Picked up SPQR by Mary Beard through RB Digital through the library. Hoping to learn a little more about class in ancient Rome.

Finally got to reading Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller series. I’m ~200 pages into Wise Man’s Fear. Really enjoying it so far - I like magic with rules, and I find his world pretty interesting.

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I am so sorry for what comes next. I would like to say it gets better, but I think Rothfuss has now gone longer than G.R.R. without writing a book.

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I was curious and did some googling to see how that’s going. It looks like Fox pulled in and subsequently dropped Rothfus to make a TV show based of the book, more recently Lionsgate has grabbed him for a film, TV series, and videogame. Sam Raimi was announced as director in 2018 so it’s gonna weird as hell if it actually gets produced.

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Almost done with “Lords of Finance.” Somewhat interesting. Sort of horrifying at times hearing the events of yesteryear that triggered the world wars and comparing them to how things are going the world over today.

I have started reading Space Opera, which reads like someone set out to write a modern Hitchhikers book and couldn’t keep their love of EuroVision out of it.


I’m reading Seveneves. It’s long, I’m only ~20% done. Then tale of Genji, another long one.


Currently reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. Most of the way through it now.

In the middle of “Throne of the Crescent Moon” from Saladin Ahmed for my lunch break reading. It’s very much a standard kind of modern adventure novel, and I keep describing it in my head as “Aladdin, but written by someone who actually understands and doesn’t otherize Middle Eastern culture.”

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Neal Stephenson is one of my favorite authors and I really enjoyed Seveneves. I was a bit thrown off my the “shift” mid-way through, but once I got my head wrapped around it, I thought it was cool.

I would love a mini-series based off the book.

I’m nowhere near mid-way through and have not reached this shift. Just based on the rate the story is progressing and the length of the book, I had already assumed several major shifts are coming. Otherwise the book would definitely run out of material rather quickly.

I don’t know how much you know about the plot, so I’m being intentionally vague to avoid spoiling anything for you.

But when the shift happens, you’ll know it.

I don’t know anything, I’m just reading it. But I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be aliens.

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It’s Scott, he has an avowed position about spoilers, and it’s not that he avoids them at all, ever, in any situation.

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I remember that forum conversation and Scott’s position about spoilers. I don’t want to get into that argument again, but even if Scott doesn’t care about spoilers, I think they matter and can alter the way you experience a piece of media, so I don’t want to affect his reading experience.

I just finished reading Edges by Linda Nagata which is the start of a 2nd, sequel trilogy to her Bohr maker Trilogy. Lots of interesting Post-human stuff going on. Though now I have to wait for more.

I have just started reading Howling Dark which is a sequel to Empire of Silence and very, very space-rome galactic empire. I enjoyed the first book despite its well-worn approach, but I’m getting all sorts of genre whiplash going from post-human to this again. Slowly getting back into it.