War on Cars

I mean the same could be said for train stations in many cities where cities like LA for a long time didn’t connect their public transit to certain areas.

The article is specifically about white people in Atlanta not allowing the public transit to be built into the suburbs and suffering in the worst traffic just to keep a transit separation from black/poor people.

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I wonder if you put the choice to all white Americans: “End the racial caste system of White Supremacy now or shoot yourself in the head” how many would take the second option.

Because it really feels like the answer is over 50%.

So here’s the thing in my experience talking to people I can’t pick (family). They exist in one of two camps, both of which equally unhelpful.

Deny that a caste system of white supremacy exists to begin with.

Totally for abolishing white supremacy wherever they can but no idea how to do it, but if they could wave a magic wand they would.

Driving into and in Atlanta as a tourist was probably the worst driving experience I’ve ever had. The core highway splitting the entire city is 8 lanes, both sides and feels like something out of Judge Dredd. One in every four streets is some variant of Peachtree(s) (i.e. South Peachtree blvd, North Peachtree avenue, East Peachtree Lane). MARTA itself was pretty crappy in service speed and coverage vs Philly in my opinion and most of the actual transit coverage was buses which while more efficient than cars gets caught up in the same car traffic.

EDIT: Found an old article that stated there were 71 peachtree streets.

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When you have a government that is at least somewhat functional.

5 articles about how Barcelona is winning the war on cars, largely by making super blocks.

TL;DR: They came in and took 9 square blocks of mixed use zoned space and kicked cars off the tic-tac-toe board. Cars now only go around. All the inside roads were returned to the people. They just did it without wasting too much time asking permission. People got mad. Then they realized it was better and didn’t want it to go back. Now other people want it to happen to their blocks.

You have to force people to change against their will. The world is in danger. We need to force even more drastic changes than this to have a chance of beating things like climate change.


We should do a Thursday show on how to win the war on cars.

The last time we did a show on cars, it was actually about the cars themselves.



Here is some additional ammo.


Frankly, if the air quality is above a certain level in NYC, some percentage of cars should be banned from entering Manhattan for a set number of days.


ban cars

how topical, I literally just watched The Naked Gun

You mean Blues Brothers.

The story

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Park Slope jackasses are now convinced that Jeffery Epstein was behind Bike Lanes.

They finally closed 14th street to cars. Buses literally had to slow down to keep their schedules.

Next step: change the schedule and run more buses.