Yep, inflation.
Supply side inflation
Oh, just another thing that’s causing the inflation.
I hope a lot of businesses learn their lesson and move away from just-in-time/lean strategies. When I worked in manufacturing it meant that every day was an emergency because we had no backup supplies and every repair was paying 3x the rate for labor and overnight shipping. On a larger economic scale we’ve seen how it causes an almost complete collapse of infrastructure when the flow gets interrupted.
I’m also hoping this increases the frequency with which goods are repaired, rather than replaced, and also increases pressure to pass right to repair laws. If money is worth less, and stuff costs more, fixing broken stuff becomes much more enticing. You could also see more repair businesses pop-up or expand. Not only to repair things that customers bring in, but to gather up lots of broken things and sell them as refurbished.
Just-in-time is not an individual business choice except for the first major competitor that chooses to implement it in a market. Once its successful and sustainable* the lowered costs to inventory storage make a competitive advantage which is why everyone else hops on board.
*in the very long run it may kill your business due to a shock/black swan event, but in the short to medium term if you can maintain it and have lower operating costs its an environmental pressure.
As always it comes back to dismantling capitalism
More supply side inflation, this time wheat.
The short squeeze folk are at it again, this time with AMC.
Of course. A bunch of relatively wealthy investors saw with GME that if they could whip up a frenzy on companies like this, and if they worded it right, they could even have suckers defending them months and months after as some sort of robin-hood-esque heros while they make shitloads of money, it was inevitable it would happen again.
I have four unopened cannisters of tennis balls.
I’m sitting here waiting for the Czech Hockey Puck shortage to kick in so my bags of resilient machinery foot pads will become a windfall.
I know we have a cannabis thread, but I think it would be more interesting to place here.
How much writing on the wall do we need? The shit is touching the fan.
This is probably a primary driver in the outright banning of cryptocurrency in China just recently.