Board Version Rules V. 1
first to 22 Wordfame or last one left with a farm in Iceland
72 Stead tokens (12 for each faction: 8 1/2 tokens and 4 3/4 tokens)
30 Faction markers (5 for each faction)
72 Thingmen (12 for each faction)
108 orlog cards
6 Home Stead cards
4 Arson tokens
6 hof mats
1 lawspeaker token
1 lawspeaker card
1 outlaw card
game board
-give each player a hof, stead tokens, their Home Stead card (tucked under their hof) and 12 Thingmen
-shuffle orlog cards and place on board
-each player places one Thingmen on a side of Thingvellir
-place one Faction marker for each faction next to the Fame of Deeds track on the board; place the remaining 4 Faction markers for each faction near The Sheep Hunt track on the board
-advance each Faction once on The Sheep Hunt for each color represented on their Home Stead card
-players determine who is the wisest and most learned among them; give that player the Lawspeaker card and token
-put the farm tokens off to the side of the board, sorted by color
-Game is played in rounds, each round is 3 phases: The Law Council, Hunting for Sheep, The Long Dark Winter
-Law Council: Lawspeaker proposes a law, gothi Support or Sue, resolve actions
-Hunting for Sheep: Bondi take actions OR Districts produce goods
-Long Dark Winter: collect points for goods, retrieve slain Thingmen
The First Round
I. The Law Council
- Lawpeaker proposes a Statute at the bottom of one of the four Laws
- each player clockwise votes to Support or Sue
- to Sue, place Thingmen of yours that are on Thingvellir on a different law, equal to or lower than the selected statute
- once every player has declare support or suit, resolve actions clockwise from Lawspeaker, starting with Suits, then Support
- the Supported action gets a bonus equal to the number of players who voted for it; a Lawsuit gets a bonus equal to the number of Thingmen from all players who selected it (multiple players can join the same suit); some actions have a built-in bonus
- Thingmen who sued are not available to resolve the action from that lawsuit
- Once all actions are complete, return Thingmen to their place around Thingvellir and proceed to the next phase
II. Hunting for Sheep
- Starting with the Lawspeaker and going clockwise, each player may activate all Bondi in their Oaths whose color matches the color of the action they took in Phase I. Each player takes all of their actions, and then play moves to the next player.
- A Bondi has a strength based on the number of farms of that color the player controls, indicated on The Sheep Hunt track; the number leftmost column indicates this strength (i.e. if you have 3 farms of a color, Bondi of that color are strength 2).
- A Bondi may not act more than once in this phase.
- Your Home Stead Bondi may act on any color of action, but their strength depends on your holdings of that color.
- Once all players have taken any actions they wish, proceed to Phase III.
III. The Long Dark Winter
- If you’re using the Advanced Outlawry rules, the Outlaw acts.
- Starting with the Lawspeaker and proceeding clockwise, compare a player’s holdings on The Sheep Hunt to all of their neighbors (players with whom they share a border); if a player’s holdings of any color exceed those of each of their neighbors, that player gains 1 Wordfame (thus, a player could gain at most 4 Wordfame).
- Return all slain Thingmen to each player’s Longhall
- Pass the Lawspeaker card to the left, and begin a new round.
The Second Round and Beyond
Play proceeds as normal, except that action selection changes slightly. Subsequent Lawspeakers may choose the next statute up in the Law where the Lawspeaker token currently sits, or they may choose a new Law and activate the statute at the bottom.
Note that statutes at the top of a Law have inherent vote bonuses.
If the Lawspeaker token is already at the top of a Law, the Lawspeaker must choose a new Law.
Play continues until one player has reached 22 Wordfame or only one player has any holdings left.
Each action is resolved at some strength as indicated above. All actions include “up to” in their description; you may always do less than what you are entitled to do.
When you settle, you have two choices. You must pick one of the following:
A. Subsume a new District
B. Expand your holdings in a District
A. To subsume a new District, it must be adjacent to one you control, or you must have a Thingman on it. It cannot have another Faction’s Stead token on it. Place one of your 1/2 Stead tokens on it, with the 1 side facing up, and advance one holding of your choice by 1 on The Sheep Hunt track.
B. To expand Districts, you increase the value indicated on the Stead token on that District; you then advance a holding of your choice on The Sheep Hunt . The cost in strength to increase the value of a District by 1 is equal to its current value (i.e. it costs 1 to go from 1 to 2, it costs 2 to go from 2 to 3, etc); either flip the Stead token over to its next size, or replace a 1/2 with a 3/4 token. After you expand, advance one of your holdings on The Sheep Hunt by 1. The total cost of all of your expansions may not exceed the strength of the action. No District may have a value higher than 4.
When you Ride, you have two options. You may do either or both of the following in any combination:
A. Set forth from your hall
B. Roam with bands of Thingmen
A. For each point of strength, you may send 1 Thingmen from your Longhall to any edge of any district you control (the assumption being that you have halls in each district and your Thingmen can be anywhere). If you place a Thingman on an edge with an opposing gothi’s Thingmen, they will intiate a Feud; see the Feud section.
B. For each point of you strength, you may move 1 Band of Thingmen once. A Band is any number of Thingmen occupying the same edge of the same district; you decide how many comprise the band before they move, and they move together as a unit. You may not move through any edge occupied by opposing Thingmen, but you may ride to such a place, and then engage in Feud. See the Feud section for more details.
Riding through an opposing gothi’s District may initiate combat; see the Feud section.
Thingmen are considered to occupy both of the Districts that share the edge on which they are placed.
When you Raid, you have two choices. Pick one of the following:
A. Journey out to sea
B. Return laden with riches
A. To journey out to sea, place 1 Thingman per point of strength from your Longhall onto the sea area on the board. These Thingmen are unvailable for any other purpose until they return.
B. To return laden with riches, return all of your Thingmen at sea to your Longhall. Draw 1 card from the Orlog for each Thingman so returned, plus 1 card per point of strength; keep half (rounded up) of these cards as Goods in your Wealth (tucked so that the Worth of each card is showing). You may never look at any other aspect of a Good in your Wealth.
When the Foster action is selected, all players who selected that iteration of the action (i.e. everyone who Supported a Lawspeaker who chose Foster, or everyone who Sued to Foster) will participate in a Fostering round. If a player is Fostering through Bondi, they will be the only one to participate in that round.
- Starting with the player who initiated the action (i.e the Lawspeaker or the first person who Sued) and proceeding clockwise, each player chooses to either send off one of their existing personae, or fosters a persona from the pool into their family.
- To send off a persona, move them from your Hird to your Wealth; this represents an exchange of goods for the addition to another’s family (a gfit, a dowry, etc).
- To foster a persona from the pool, you must have sufficient Goods in your Wealth. A persona requires a number of Goods of matching color in your Wealth equal to its worth, counting itself; thus, a Worth 1 persona requires no additional, but a Worth 3 persona requires 2 Goods of its color in your Wealth. You keep the Goods when you Foster.
- Once everyone has sent off or fostered, the player who initiated the action draws 1 card from the Orlog per strength of the action. If there are any personae which can fill empty spaces in the Foster pool, fill them; if there is already a persona in a space in the pool where a newly-drawn one would go, the drawing player may choose to replace the old one with the new one. Send all remaining cards to their Doom.
To Pledge, follow these steps in order:
- Draw 1 card from the Orlog for each point of strength
- Add 1 of the drawn cards to your Oaths as a Bondi; you may not have more Bondi than Districts you control. Tuck the card into your Oaths so that only its action is visible; you may never look at any other aspect of the cards in your Oaths.
- Swap any of your existing Bondi for any of the cards you drew.
- Discard all cards from this action, drawn or swapped out, that are not in your Oaths.
When you feast, you have two choices. Pick one of the following:
A. Give generously to your friends
B. Viciously murder your rivals
A. You may give goods whose total worth does not exceed the strength of the action. You may give goods to any gothi who are your neighbors, or any gothi who has a Thingman on one of your Districts. To give a Good, remove it from your Wealth and hand it to the chosen gothi; at the end of the feast, they will tuck it into their Wealth. You gain 1 Wordfame for each Good given in this way.
Gift Sets
If you give a gift with a worth of 2, you may also give that same gothi a worth 1 gift of matching color without counting towards total worth. You gain 3 Wordfame for this gift.
If you give a gift of worth 3, you may also give a 2 and 1 of matching color to that same gothi; you gain 5 Wordfame for this gift.
B. You may commit murder using your Bondi. You may murder enemy Thingmen, or you may attempt to capture an opposing gothi’s District by murdering everyone in their hall (you brute). You may not use more Bondi than the strength of the action.
You may murder opposing Thingmen on your Districts by discarding Bondi from your Oaths; they commit a murder, and are then outlawed. A discarded Bondi slays a number of Thingmen equal to their Worth; you may continue discarding Bondi until you have murdered as many Thingmen as you like. Discarded Bondi are sent to their Doom, slain Thingmen are sent back to the opposing gothi’s mat (to be retrived at the end of the round).
You may attempt to capture an opposing District where you have a Thingman. In order to do so, discard one of your Bondi and note its worth. You may also discard one Weapon from your Goods and add its Worth to the Bondi. Compare this total to the number of Thingmen in the opposing gothi’s Longhall. If the total is equal to or greater than the number of Thingmen, you capture the District; if the total is less, you may lose Wordfame to make up the difference and capture the District, or you may declare your attempt a failure. To capture a District, remove the opposing gothi’s stead token and one farm of your choosing; return the stead token to the gothi, place your own stead on the District, and remove the farm from the game. Discarded cards are sent to their Doom.
A feud can be intiated in one of three ways:
- A gothi sets out their Thingmen onto an edge with opposing Thingmen
- A gothi rides a band of Thingmen into an opposing band of Thingmen
- A gothi who controls a District decides to start a fight with an opposing Thingmen who rode through their District
In the first two cases, the Feud is automatic and mandatory. In the third case, the gothi who controls the District decides whether or not to initiate combat before the opposing Thingman leaves their district. If the District’s gothi chooses to initiate combat, they will do so without the aid of Thingmen.
To fight a feud:
- Each gothi draws a number of cards from the Orlog equal to the number of Thingmen in the fight (remember that in case 3, one side will not have Thingmen)
- Line up the drawn cards on opposite sides according to color; each color will represent a separate conflict in the longer Feud.
- Starting with the attacker, each gothi may add one Good from their Wealth to an existing conflict, or start a new conflict of a type not already present. Instead of either, a gothi may also accept a conflict.
- Continue adding wealth back-and-forth, one at a time, until one side accepts the results of a conflict; that conflict is considered settled. Once all conflicts are settled, the Feud is concluded.
- Total the worth of each type of Good committed by each gothi; the one who committed the largest total worth of a given type of Good wins that conflict.
- A gothi who wins a conflict gains 1 Wordfame and slays 1 opposing Thingman (thus a maximum of 4 deaths and 4 Wordfame from a Feud); if no Thingmen remain to slay, instead that gothi may choose to raze one farm owned by the opposing gothi on either of the Districts where the Feud took place. Razed farms are removed from the game, slain Thingmen are returned to their owner’s mat (to be recovered at the end of the round).
- Any gothi whose Thingmen were slain are entitled to compensation. Each player may claim a total worth of Goods from the opposing players commitments equal to the number of Thingmen of theirs that were slain. So if a player loses 4 Thingmen in a Feud, they may claim up to 4 Worth of Goods from their opponent. Compensation is added to Wealth as in a Raid.